Chapter 36: Face the evil

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The ride to the castle was very long and boring, but it was necessary. That didn't take away from how dull it was.

But, five hours later, we made it. As we stepped out the carriage, a guard came to greet us. The head guard it seemed, by his more over-the-top amour.

"Prince Jack, why are you here so soon, you weren't meant to return in a few more days." his eyes shifted to the rest of us, and lingered a bit on Mason.

"And why have you brought your friends?"

"We have an urgent message for my father. Can you take us to him now.

The guard looked us up and down, probably wondering what a group of preteens need to tell the king.

"The king is unavailable now,  as he is in a meeting with the Miller Noble house."

I was taken a back in surprise, and so were the others.

"Then case, we need to see him immediately!"  I said.

"Why exactly?" he asked.

"I-well, it's hard to explain. But trust we need to tell the king crucial information, of which could save lives!"

He looked like he was pondering it, but responded with "You may all go speak with him, but I shall come too."

I nodded, and the guard lead the way through the maze that was the castle. As we passed through glamorous hall after glamorous, I felt bad for the servants who had to clean them.

But finally; we arrived to the meeting room. Jack walked up to the door, paused, but then loudly knocked on the door.

"Farther, I need to speak with you right now!" he explained.

The door opened, and the king stood there with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What are you doing here so early? Why did you bring your friends too? And what is important that you need to interrupt me?" he said.

"I-uh-" was all Jack could put out, reverting back to usual self, so I picked up for him.

"Fr-your highness. We believe, no, we know that the people you were just speaking to are criminals, who use children as test subjects for curl experiments ."

  Frederich blinked in response. "These are serious allegations, what is your proof?"

Both Mason and Arthur stepped up. "We both can testify against the Millers, as I have personally seen their criminal side." Mason said.

"And I," Arthur said, much more quietly "have personally experienced their experimentation"

The king was silent yet again. I was getting tired of it. Though maybe I'm just too impatient.

"James, I want you to prepare a squadron of  guards to search the Miller's mansion. I will give you more details after I gain more information."

The guard, James, nodded and left. The king turned to us, and said "I want to believe you children; but I need evidence straight from the source. If any of you would like me as I talk to the Miller's, you may."

I stepped up first. "I will gladly do the talking, your highness."

He nodded, and turned to the boys. "You may all join if you wish, but it's not necessary; especially you Arthur."

"No." Arthur said shaking his head. "I'm no longer going to run away from my parents. It's about time I confront them for all they've done."

"And we'll be right next to you." Blake said.

The king smiled. "That's wonderful to here." he opened the doors wide open. "Now let's go face the evil." 

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