Chapter 25: Looking for secret passages

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We all took a quick tea break, with Jack and Author talking my ears off. Blake was still silent, and I was beginning to get worried. 

Once we were done, Frederich had to leave. He still had kingly duties to attend to. But he did leave his son, and told me to take care of him. I was honestly upset when he told me that. Couldn't the prince look after himself?

"What should we do next Maria?" Jack asked me.

"Let's look for secret passages." Blake said, stepping up from behind us. I was a bit shocked that he spoke, but gave him a smile.

"Cool!" Let's go find some!" Author said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back inside the manor.

"Wait! Where are you taking me?" I asked, as I tried to slow us down.

Author abruptly stopped "I don't know."

"How about the library? There's always something behind a book shelf." Mason said, appearing out of no where.

"NO!" I yelled. If they found the secret passage in the hallway, then they could find out about Theodore. And I don't think they would take kindly to me secretly meeting a commoner boy each night.

"Why not?" asked Mason. "Do you have a secret to hide?"

I blushed. "N-no, it's just that I've already checked the library. Nothing was there." 

Before he could answer, Blake and Jack came rushing in.

"Don't leave us again." Jack said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Sorry." Author said sheepishly.

"I think we should explore the kitchen first. I'm sure we can find something there." I said, speed walking away. They all quickly followed behind. 

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