Chapter 14: So Soon

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*Knock knock* "Miss. Maria, you're parents wish to see you in 15 minutes. Get up now dear!" Nanny Mary said.

I got up slowly, still feeling tired from last night. I reluctantly put Theodore's flower crown under my pillow, I'll find a better place to hide it later.

I walked down the halls and into my father's office. He was sitting behind his desk, and my mother was at the opposite end of the room. My brother was standing in front of the desk, with his usual blank face.

"That was quite a show you put on last night. Three types of magic, and one of them being the coveted healing type? As expected from my child." Father said.

"Her powers came from me, you idiot! Like she would ever get anything good from you." Mother retorted

". . . The main reason I called you here. You will be getting two new tutors for your magic. Mr. March will continue teaching you your studies, along with teaching you space manipulation magic."

"We have tracked down a healing magic tutor for you. Her name is Mrs. Silvia, and you will listen to everything she says."

"And your last tutor will also be one for your brother. He has both wind and poison magic, and I expect to here no complaints from either of you. His name is Mason Winceforce, and he will arrive tomorrow, along side Ms. Silvia."

I barely managed to not cry out when I heard the name Mason Winceforce, and that he'll be coming tomorrow. I didn't have enough time to prepare.

"I expect to hear that you'll improve under their teaching, but if you two don't, expect to be punished."

We both nodded and left the room. Neither of us spoke a word, both to shocked to do so.

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