Chapter 10: Debut

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Today was the day. The day I would be seen by the high class society. I would be judged for things out of my control and laughed behind my back. But that wasn't the worst part. I would be meeting two capture targets. Jack Chauffer and Arthur Miller.

Jack was the prince of the kingdom. He was also to be my fiance. In the game, neither of us wanted that, we forced by our parents. So they led to a rocky start. Around each other him and Maria didn't talk. But when around others, he was a ball of light and innocence. So hopefully he won't be too bad this time around.

The one I really worried about was Arthur. He was a tsundere in the game. Since he was younger, he shouldn't be so bad. But I still wouldn't want to be near him. Because he gave Maria the worst end of them all. He sold her to a band of dirty perverted pirates, and you get the idea of what they did to her.

But I was already walking through the palace door, clinging to Blake for dear life. He would be my bodyguard for the night. Luckily he didn't mind. He hasn't minded staying by my side for a while now.

We walked our way towards the King and Queen. It felt like everyone was staring at me. It was probably because of the dress. Only royalty could afford to wear so much purple. When I first wore it in front of my parents, they looked at me in disbelief instead of disgust.

The Queen was wearing a purple dress like mine, though her's was more elaborate, with silver patterns all over it. The silver matched the detailing in her hair, which was was styled in shoulder lengthened dreads that complimented her dark skin. She looked at me with cold brown eyes, and I turned my eyes to the King.

The King was in all accounts the opposite of his wife. He had light blue hair and eyes, and his skin was almost as pale as mine.

When we finally reached the royal family, I walked alone towards them and bowed. As I got up, I could see delight in the king's eye. He spoke to me.

"Hello. You are Maria Lauren Bonaparte, I assume?"

"Yes I am, your majesty."

"I see. I couldn't tell, you look so different from your parents."

I disagreed with him, but you couldn't disagree with the king, so I simply nodded my head.

"Allow me to introduce my son, Prince Jack. He is a year older than you, so I hope you get along with each other." He gestured to the boy next to his side. I looked at the prince, my future finance and murder.

Light brown skin and eyes, and curly light blue hair. He looked stunning. And he was only 11, he would become more breath taking as he got older. But he would always be a bit of an idiot to be frank. He was dumbest of the love interest, but also the sweetest.

Jack gave me a sweet smile. I gave him a weak one back. He held out his hand, I took it. I hope it won't lead to my doom .

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