Chapter 55: Let's go shopping!

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I've never been to this shopping district before, so it was as new to me as it was to Theodore. He was looking around for Scarlet and Linda, while I was looking around for a nice men's clothing shop.

"Oh, let's go to that!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the shop I spotted.

The bell rang as we walked through the door. The store clerk looked at Theodore for  a moment before turning to me and smiling.

"What can I do for you?"

"We're looking for a lot of nice, proper clothes for him. What color do you want?"

"Uh. . .what color do you think would look good on me?"

"Hmmm," Theodore usually wore brown or pale beige, which worked well for a farm boy, but for a student at a magical academy. 

"I think a dark . . . purple or blue would like good on you. Ohh, maybe an indigo? Yes, let's go for that,"

"Are you sure that won't be too expensive?" he asked as he was ushered away by a tailor.

I rolled by eyes again. "It's not too expensive,"  I was moved to a waiting room. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't be there, Theodore looked nervous, but I guess that wouldn't be appropriate.

That was a downside to being in this world. Sure, there was magic, but society went back more than a hundred years too. I wouldn't even be allowed to wear shorts with out someone worrying about my "purity".

"Maria, do I look alright?" 

I turned to look at Theodore, and my brain short-circuited. He looked amazing. The dark blue suit complemented his tan skin tone, and even his dirty blonde hair looked better. The only thing that looked out of place was his brown eyes, that looked so. . . worried.

"You-you look amazing Theodore,"

He blushed, and his eyes looked relived . "Thank you, but isn't this too expensive"

I shook my head no. "It's not too expensive for me, and besides, I would be willing to pay anything for you,"


"In fact," I turned to one of the workers. "We'll be taking more outfits like this,"

"How many?"

I turned to Theodore. "How many do you want?"

We walked out the store holding bags of clothes. And I ordered more for specials occasions.

"That was fun!" I said.

"It wasn't. . . bad I guess,"

I giggled. "Well, now you can wear real pants, I'm sure you're happy about that,"

He laughed. "Yeah, it's going to be nice not having to wear balloon pants anymore,"

We continued walking down the road back to the original bench where we sat at. Luckily for us, Linda and Scarlet were already there, I was glad that we didn't have to search for them.

"Did you guys have fun?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Maria, we got so many clothes. Look at our new dresses!" Scarlet got up and twirled around in a long emerald green dress, that matched her eyes and worked well with her red hair.

"It looks wonderful,"

"I know, look it even matches with Linda's!"

 She pulled Linda up, and she shyly showed of her dress. It was a light green than Scarlet's, but was still in the same style. The color worked well with her dark brown eyes and hair.

"It looks like you both had fun," she commented.

"We did, Theodore looks amazing in his new outfit!"

"Did you get any clothes for yourself?"

"No, but I don't really need any more,"

"Are you sure? I don't mind if you want me to go shopping with you," Theodore said.

"It's fine, I really just want to get some food,'

"OH! We saw some fancy restaurants while we we walking around, can we go there?" Scarlet begged.

"Sure, lead the way," 

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