Chapter 42: Opening ceremony

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The carriage ride to the academy was long and boring. I half listened to Mrs. Silvia as she talked about being a teacher. She was following me to the school as the healing magic teacher. I mostly spent my time looking at the passing country. But it over before I knew it, and now I was looking up at my new home.

It was huge, almost as big as the palace. It was covered in windows that glared down at me. It looked friendly enough, but I knew not to trust it.

There was other students milling about, but I ignored them and made my way inside. A hush followed as I made my way to the door; I could feel their eyes on me.

Most didn't know about my involvement with the take down of the Millers. It was safer this way, I already had enough targets on my back from the few people who did know. Though to keep that number lower, I've been banned from any social party since then.

The grand hall was as grand as it's name. Chairs were set out in rows, and some students were already seated at the front. I moved to the back corner and watched as more students made their way in.

Most were boring and generic, though one did catch my eyes. They were wearing a long black cloak despite the weather, and stayed a distance away from everyone else.

"That better not be another assassination to kill me." I thought as I watched them move to the other side of the room.

"Um, excuse?" a meek voice asked. I was too busy watching the cloaked man to notice that someone had come up to me.

"Yes?" I asked as I turned around to look at them.

My heart started pounding and my eyes widened. Long red hair with pretty blue eyes, it was the MC of the game, the protagonist who all the boys feel in love with, the one who would spell my doom, Scarlet Grace.

"I was wondering if I could sit next to you, since we both have healing magic and will be classmates,"

Oh right. I haven't thought about that. That's going to be troublesome. Scarlet looked confused, probably because of my lack of words.

"I'll, go away then," she started to move away.

"Wait!" I called out. "You can sit with me, I just didn't know I would be having classmates for healing magic,"

Scarlet sat down next to me. "Yes, it's rare for there to be any students for healing magic, let alone three,"

I cocked my head. "Three?" There's only meant to be one in the original game, but I don't see how my actions could have made another one.

She nodded. "Yes, my cousin also has healing magic. I guess it must be genetic."

I nodded too, racking my brain for any knowledge of Scarlet's family. In the original, Scarlet discovered her healing magic after surviving a fire which killed the rest of her family. Shortly after her magic was discovered and she was sent to the academy. Maybe she stayed with some distant family between the two events?

"Oh, the ceremony is starting," Scarlet said, shaking me from my mind. We both sat up straight as the headmaster walked onto the podium at the front of the room.

He began a long and dull speech about the school's history and the expiations we would have as students. I struggled to get through it all with nodding off. 

The headmaster bit back a cough before stepping away. "I'll now be handing off the rest of speech to our beloved Prince Jack, who this year will also be our student body president."

Girls swooned as Prince Jack walked up the podium, and I could see why. His light blue hair was perfectly styled, along with his pure white royal outfit. He gave a smile to the crowd, and a girl in the front row fainted as I stiffened up.

"Today is the start of a new year at this fine academy. For some this will your first, for others it will be your last. But I hope that no matter what, you shall enjoy your time here, learning new skills, making new friends, and trying your best to bring this school,"

He scanned the crowd, as if he looking for someone. I ducked my head down low, hoping he didn't see me.

"I can't wait to spend time with you this year," he gave one last dazzling smile which sent another girl fainting to the ground, and walked off the podium.

After that everyone got up to ever find their friends if they were second or third years, or trying to find their room information like Scarlet and me.

"It says here that our rooms will be right next to each other," Scarlet said looking down at her paper.

"That makes sense, they like to group those with the same magic together. Will you be sharing a room with your cousin then?" I asked.

She shook her head no. "I won't be having any roommates. The headmaster gave me my own room incase my roommate would harass me. Besides, my cousin is a boy."

Before we could leave, Scarlet gasped. I turned around and was face to face with the prince.

"Hello Maria," 

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