Chapter 9: Before the Big Day

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Two months later

Since that day, the repeating had only happened once. And it was on a day where I didn't even die. This is so confusing. But in the that, I stopped being scared of Blake.

Blake and I had gotten close to each other. He still didn't speak much, and I haven't told him about Theodore, but we became friends. We painted, studied, ate, and took walks together. I've become to trust him, not with everything, but at least better than in the game.

He could also be really comforting when he wanted to be. Which is what I needed right now.

Tomorrow is my 10th birthday. Which is also my debut into society. Right now I was being lectured by my mother on what I should say, or more accurately, what I shouldn't say.

"Remember, never talk back, only give compliments when you are given one your self, and never, never, never upset the royal family. Do you understand you little brat?"

"Yes Mother, I understand."

"Good, now go practice with your dancing teacher. No daughter of mind will be an embarrassment."

With that, my mother left the ballroom. I turned back to Blake and asked "Well, she did say to practice my dancing. So can you dance with me?"

Blake blushed, his face going completely red. "Of course, I wouldn't want that demon to get mad at you," he said taking my hand.

Blake had grown to like me, but he still hated my parents. Not that I could blame him, because I hated them too. They both only talked to us when they needed to.

I heard the musicians start playing. Blake lead the way and tried to follow. I wasn't good at the waltz. I preferred to dance in big groups like during the Harvest Fest. But with Blake, I was decent.

After a few hours of practice, I really missed the math lessons from Mr. March.

"Whew! That was tiring, but I think I got the hang of it. What do you think Blake?" I said as plopped down on a chair. I was really tired, I hope I have enough stamina for my walk to Theodore's.

"I think you still need lots of work, but you have improved." Blake told as he walked out of the room.

"Now if you excuse me, I'm heading to bed. You should too, it's your big day tomorrow."

I smiled, and told him that I would. But then I quickly went to visit Theodore. He tried to help with my dancing, but it just resulted with us falling over each and laughing about it. I didn't stay for long because tomorrow was the big day.

When I returned to my room, I found a dress on my bed. It was a beautiful purple dress with gold accents, just like the music box. The note next to said

"Here's an early birthday present Lily. I figured you would want a new dress for the big day.  From this world's god."

"P.S, I added the chemical formula for purple dye, as a bonus for your first reset."

I smiled, the dress was lovely. But I was still a little concerned about the resetting thing. I don't ever want to go through it again.

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