Chapter 54: To the shopping district

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After that, class was normal. Or as normal as a class  with Mrs. Silvia can be. At least she didn't try to embarrassment me again.

I studied in the afternoon with Scarlet and Theodore. They both weren't very good at regular academics, and I was happy to help them.

That was my schedule for the next week. Normal boring school, lunch with a happy Arthur, a class with the annoying Mason and still silent Blake, and then studying with Theodore and Scarlet.

 Something exciting finally happened on Saturday. Even if it started out a bad.

"MARIA!" someone was knocking on my door, and I slowly got up from bed.

"What is it?" I mumbled as I opened my front door. Scarlet was standing there dressed in her normal clothes.

"You said you would take us shopping this weekend," she said with a smile.

"Oh right I said that," I thought as I rubbed my eyes.

"Sure, just let me get dressed first," I closed the door before she could say anything else.

I got dressed and summoned my maid Linda.

We walked out the door together and met with Scarlet and Theodore.

"Everyone hold hands I'm going to teleport us there,"

"Really!" Scarlet and Linda said.

I nodded. Once everyone linked together I started chanting.

We teleported into the shopping district. Or at least I hopped we did, my head was spinning from teleporting so many people.

"Are you alright Maria?" Theodore asked.

"I'll be fine," I said as I leaned into him for balance. "Just tell me we're in the shopping district, I don't think I can teleport us again yet,"

"Oh we are Maria! And it's so amazing! There is so many shops to explore!"

I smiled and pulled out my purse and some coins. "Here, you guys go look around, I think I'll rest for a bit,"

"Really? Are you sure?" Linda asked.

I nodded. "I'll catch up with you later. Besides I have Theodore to keep me company,"

"Well alright then," Linda said before being dragged away by Scarlet.

"Thank you!" she called out before they both disappeared around the corner. 

"I didn't think she would be this excited for shopping," I said as Theodore lead me to a near by bench. He sat down next me and leaned my head on his shoulders.

"I think she's excited because she can own so many dresses now.  She's been wearing your old dresses for a week, and before that she only had one dress too,"

"That makes since. You must be tired of wearing those gaudy outfits everyday, even with the modifications I've made to them.

Theodore smiled. "I'm defiantly looking forward to wear normal pants again. But are you sure it's alright for you too buy us all these clothes?"

"It's fine. I have penalty of money, and you both need new clothes. Plus I like shopping, so it's a win win for everybody."

He sighed. "Alright then. Are you feeling better? I don't want them to go to far a head of us and we lose them,"

I would've preferred to stay there with him, but he was right. "Let's go then. But if I spot something in a store for you, we're getting that first, alright?"

"If you say so,"

"I do," I smiled as I got up. "Now let's go shopping!"

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