Chapter 27: Deep Underground

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I was now on my way to find the boys. Plus the chef gave me some bread with raspberry sauce.  It was delicious. But I should have got a candle, because the passage was completely black. 

"Hey! Anyone out there?" I yelled into the void. But I got no answer. "Great, how I am supposed to find them."

I placed my hand on the wall, and walked along. I kept going forward. I figured I would eventually run into one of them.  Hopefully it would be Author, so I could actually see again.

I felt gapes in the wall, presumably leading to hall ways. But I continued to walk straight, until I ran into a wall.

"Ow!" I said, and rubbed my nose. "Ugh, why did the wall just end?" I asked. Then I heard something.

I pressed my ear against the wall, and heard the flow of water. "What's behind this?"

I pushed some of the stones, and then they all moved. I was blinded by light.

I was in awe when I reopened my eyes. It was an underground waterfall, and glowing stones aligned the walls. I walked into the room. and the stones went back to their original place, and I was trapped.

But there was a staircase going down, next to the waterfall.

"Is anyone down here!" I yelled. The only response was my on echo. 

"I might as well see where this takes me." I said as I made  my way down the stairs. "It's better than being stuck in the dark again."


Author's note: I will be starting school next week, so this story will get updated on the weekends now. 

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