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Since I haven't seen Billie the last two days I school, I was surprised when she showed up in music class. She was dressed in her baggy style as usual, but she looked exhausted.

"Thought you weren't coming" I whispered in her direction.

"We'll I promised you, didn't I? Plus we need to finish this song. Probably ain't gonna be here the next couple of times" she whispered back. I smiled. Even though she seemed to never attend school she did know the word responsibility. Outside, when Miss Cabello gave us time to work on our projects, I showed the others the lyrics.

"It's great" Lauren laughed thrilled. We revised the lyrics for the next half hour and took some changes here and there until all of us were satisfied with the result.

"I love how everybody is probably writing some bullshit love song about love while we have a song about feeling guilty because we literally committed a murderer," Billie said.

"Yeah it's different" I agreed. "Different is good" she took a moment to look me into the eyes for that statement before she got up to find a guitar. I looked at Lauren who seemed to have noticed that intense eye contact and was mouthing: "Bitch what?"

For the rest of the lesson, Billie experimented a little bit more with the melody, and Lauren and I tried to teach Maddie how to properly play the drum. "No you've got the wrong speed," I said "Slower. Great now keep that tempo up. Don't get faster. Yes, exactly that's it!".

"Yay I got it! Guess I'm just naturally gifted" Maddie joked excitedly.

"Yeah, no I highly doubt that," Billie said dead serious and I think Maddie was actually offended a little bit.

"Don't worry, once I'm famous I'm gonna make you a fucking Rockstar Maddie, even if you don't have any sense of rhythm" Lauren joked.

"Famous who?" I laughed and Lauren pulled out her middle finger to which I blew a kiss too.

"Don't get me wrong, but I'd much rather die than do rock music." Maddie commented.

"Yeah, I know, that's why I said it" Lauren teased her.


"Love you too" she smiled.

"Alright dudes-" Billie interrupted. "Casey and I continued to work a little bit on the song"

"You did?" Maddie said thrilled.

"You did?" Lauren asked the same thing, looking at me shocked.

"Yeah, I hope it's okay we did. What do you think about this melody?"

"Sitting all alone
Mouth full of gum
In the driveway
My friends aren't far
In the back of my car
Lay their bodies

Where's my mind
Where's my mind

They'll be here pretty soon
Looking through my room
For the money -Um this part I added, I thought it would fit" She said nervously before she continued singing.
"I'm biting my nails
I'm too young to go to jail
It's kinda funny

Where's my mind
Where's my mind
Where's my mind
Where's my mind

Maybe it's in the gutter
Where I left my lover
What an expensive fake
My V is for Vendetta
Thought that I'd feel better
But now I got a bellyache"

"That for the first part of the song."

At some point, she looked up from her guitar and stared right back into my eyes for the rest of the song. Looking away was not an option, it was like I was paralyzed. It was intense and I immediately calmed down but tensed up at the same time while I seemed to sink into her eyes. I felt like I could see her soul as she was singing and I noticed that her eyes were filled with deep, hidden sadness.

The result was BEAUTIFUL. I was again surprised by her angelic voice, what the fuck. I stared at her in awe. My thoughts were interrupted by Maddie and Lauren clapping excitingly and saying the exact same thing that was on my mind as well: "your voice is so beautiful holy shit"

"I really wish I could sing with you, man that stupid doctor told me not to sing for 3 months. 3 months!!! How the fuck am I supposed to do this?" Lauren complained.

"That sucks bro"

"stupid operation, your voice would have sounded so good with Billie's, Lauren!" Maddie said.

"I know right" Lauren replied sadly.

"Who's gonna sing with me though, Mrs. Cabello said that there needs to be at least two different voices involved"

"No way it's not gonna be me, sorry, my singing is even worse than my drumming skills," Maddie said.

"Well my voice isn't great either, but fine you leave me no other choice. Most of the time it will be you alone singing though" I disclosed.

"Whatever you say". Billie said.

"Now we only need a second verse. Casey. Can you write it?"

"Or-" Lauren interrupted-"You guys can write it together" She suggested and acted innocent although she knew exactly what she was doing. I gave her the look, but she acted delusional.

"Or you guys write it, since we already did the whole project alone" I argued.

"Yes. We're really thankful for that, honestly. Of course, we can finish the song, the question we need to ask ourselves right now is just if you want us to write it. Keep in mind that it's due the next lesson. That means you can't revise it and have to take it as it is. No changes" She clearly manipulated us.

"Well, I guess we'll have to trust you guys then" I smirked and Lauren looked at me disappointed.

"Come on Casey" Billie took the initiative to my surprise.

"After all we make a great team. And"-she whispered the last part-"Do you really wanna let them ruin our beautiful song?" She joked.

"You're right"-I agreed. -"But next time you guys are gonna help with the project" I warned them, whereas Lauren gave me a look that said something like: Don't pretend you've minded being alone with her. I decided to ignore her.

We still had a little time left to practice our song one more time. We tried to play it with Billie on the guitar, me on the piano, and Maddie with the drums, and Lauren with a Bass. Not gonna lie, it sounded pretty dope and if we're not gonna get an A for this I'm gonna complain the shit out of Miss Cabello.

"Guys today in exactly a month is my birthday" Maddie interrupted our session excitedly. "Wait, when was yours again Billie?"

"December 18th," she said monotonously.

"Right, I forgot, gotta write it down," Maddie said.

"Yours is on November 30th, right?" Billie suddenly addressed me. I nodded. Why did she mesmerize my birthday? I wouldn't have known hers. The bell rang and Billie left without saying another word, not even a goodbye or a smile.

"I think she hates us," Maddie said. "I mean, she isn't even talking to us voluntary Mrs. Cabello assigned her to our group"

"Calm down, I think that's just the way she is, Also she is really nice when she talks to us isn't she?" I defended her.

"I guess, a smile wouldn't kill her though," Maddie said.

"And it wouldn't kill you to give me your English papers" Lauren countered.

"Lauren, you seriously need to start doing your homework. This is the last time you're gonna get them, I swear. I always work hours on that shit." Maddie complained.

"Yeah, for sure, next time I'm asking this wonderful lady over here. Right Casey?"

"Don't even think about it haha do I look like someone who does their homework?"

"Well, no, but only because I know you. You're a huge nerd in school even though you never do our homework, it's not fair"

"Yeah, it is, I worked my butt off the last few years. Now I just have to apply. Plus, the teachers like me because they think I'm still that nerd I used to be" I laughed.

Cranberry Vodka (Billie Eilish)Where stories live. Discover now