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We arrived at Billie's house a few moments later. "We gotta be quiet. My mum is already asleep." She whispered.
Her house was cute and comfy. Our phone flashlights leaded us to her room and her bed, where I immediately jumped on. Billie chuckled and closed the door behind her.

"So, let's clean up your leg first, okay?" She said, and already had everything prepared.

"DO we have to? I hate blood"

"That's why we're whipping it away dummy. We'll just use water and paper towels, ok? It won't hurt," she said and kneeled down in front of me.

"Okay!" I agreed bravely as she gently cleaned my wound and put a plaster on it at the end.

"Luckily it's only a scratch and we don't have to sew it or anything"

"You know how to do that?" I asked and looked at her with big eyes, but she didn't reply. Where did she learn to sew wounds?

"What clothes do you want to sleep in?" She switched the topics. Gently looking up at me.

"I don't care. I'll take anything," I replied, not feeling like changing my clothes at all.

She got up and thew a pair of sweatpants with an oversized sweater at me and told me to change. She'd go to the bathroom in the meantime, so I'd have my privacy. I didn't really listen to her and just brushed it off. When she returned, I still haven't moved.

"Casey, you're still the same!" she complained and sat beside me. "Here, I've brought you this pill. It'll make you sober up," she said and handed it to me.

"No thank you! I don't take pills"

"it's just something for your stomach and head"

"No really, I won't take it." I protested.

"Okay, I'm not forcing you; I'm just saying that it would help you."

"I don't need that. My body will have to deal with that. I brought that to myself."

"There's nothing reprehensible about it though. It's like aspirin or painkillers"

"Yeah, I don't take that either."

"Are you scared of medication?" Billie asked confused.

"No," I replied immediately, but then opened up after all. "Every time I have to take it, I just see myself in a few years. Depending on pills and painkillers, having to take 20 different ones a day, that fight against each other. I don't want to depend on anything like that Billie, I'm scared I'll be a different person because I'm influenced by all this medication. Also, I don't wanna think about what it does to my body. Like painkillers? Imagine everything that has to happen, so I don't feel the pain anymore. This is crazy."

"Maybe, but medication can really help people and taking one every once in a while, won't make you depended on anything or determine your future in any kind."

"I know. It doesn't even make sense, but my mind just freaks out when I have to take a pill. I don't even know why, because if it's liquid medicine or powder, I don't care at all."

"That's okay, we all have weird fears."

"Really? What's yours?"

"I'm only telling you this, cause I know you won't remember it when you wake up," she warned. "I'm scared of the monsters under my bed when I'm falling asleep"

"Really?" I chuckled. "You don't seem like a person who would be scared of anything"

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"What do you do then when you can't sleep?"

"Usually, I'll just go to my mom's room. Like I have sleep paralysis and nightmares sometimes that are really, really bad."

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