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"Mum, I'm home" I yelled.

"Come into the kitchen honey" She yelled back.

"Hi mum, this is Billie" I introduced her.

"Call me Rosie," she said and smiled. Shit, Billie didn't smile back, now my mum is probably not going to like her. At least Billie said "Nice to meet you" in a friendly way. On second thought: I don't even care whether my mum liked her or not. Not like we were close or something.

"We're gonna work a little bit on our music project upstairs" I stated.

"Ahhh, she's the girl from your project with the angelic voice?" My mum said and I felt like drowning myself. Billie looked at me in surprise.

"Must be me" She laughed as I turned red and gave my mum an angry look. We went to my room when she decided to mock me about it. "So, should I sing you to sleep tonight?"

"Shut up Billie, also don't act surprised. I've already told you I liked your voice." I defended myself."

"Yes, but I didn't know you were talking with your mummy about me" She smiled.

"Only because it's rare, that  someone claims of themself that they can sing and ACTUALLY CAN sing."

"Nah, I think you told your mum about me because you are just in love with me so much already and can't help it." She joked.

I rolled my eyes and replied with a sarcastic undertone. "Obviously I am. Now shut up."
She detached her eyes from mine and slowly let her gaze slide down on my body instead, making me tense up for some reason. I raise an eyebrow.

"Make me" She decided to challenge me, with her voice going deeper and me gasping in shock. Damn this girl was really good at flirting.

"You wish Billie" I countered after a brief moment and laughed nervously.

"I do," she decided to take it even further, as she took a step forward. My breathing stopped for a second, but then I collected my thoughts again. She was only messing with me.

"Fuck off," I said and broke the eye contact, I only realized now we held the entire time.

Billie started laughing. " You should have seen your face, you were so shocked"

I turned around  to throw a pillow at her still laughing face.

"Rude," she said as the pillow hit her shoulder. I looked at her unimpressed and she looked around my room a little bit.

"Sorry, I didn't have time to clean my room, since I didn't know you were coming" I apologized half-heartedly. After all my room wasn't too bad today.

"You have a nice room" She commented. "It's comfortable"

"Thanks," I said, as I broke eye contact and got up to get the guitar and the text I wrote.

"Alright, here's the text I put together from the shit you texted me" I dropped the paper on her lap and sat next to her on the ground.

She read the lyrics and laughed. "Dude that's hilarious, that shit is fucking hilarious, I love it, I love that. How the hell is that our conversation?" She marveled as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to compare the lyrics with our messages.
" This is genius. Wait let me try something" She grabbed my guitar and began to play the first strophe which we already made last music class, but with fancier strumming patterns. "Listen, I spiced up the first strophe a little bit at home"

I was impressed by the way  she managed to look at me the entire time and not her hands, without playing the wrong chord once. My dad got me this guitar for my birthday once, but to be honest, it was just kinda gathering dust in the corner. "Ughhh that's hooottt" I commented thrilled.

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