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"Today you'll continue to work on your group projects with the groups you've chosen last time. Is there anyone who didn't attend  last class?" Ms. Cabello asked.
Me and a few other students raised their hands. "alright you'll form a group together; you'll be writing your own song. It can be about anything, but I want you guys to really experiment with the chords, the lyrics and your voices.  Keep the song analytics we did past lessons in mind as well. Does someone still need to excuse last lesson?" She asked.

"Me, Casey and Maddie don't need to, we were on that exchange trip in Spain" Lauren said.

"Alright, but Billie you weren't right? Actually there are still quite a lot of lessons you need to excuse. Better do it now, before it's too late." She warned.

"I'll see what I can do" a voice behind me spoke. I turned around  was surprised to see that the voice belonged to a girl, since Billie was a typical name for boys. She was pretty, I thought as I wondered why I've never seen her here before. She had silver hair which I've always wanted, but my mum wouldn't allow me to die it, since my natural hair is brown and curly and apparently it would cause too much "chemical damage".
I met the girls' eyes and smiled at her. She didn't return it, nor did she look away, so I just awkwardly turned my gaze to the teacher again. That was weird?

"Let's go outside to do this, then we can talk" Maddie interrupted my thoughts.

"Sure, you guys already go, I'll tell Miss Cabello." Lauren suggested.

"I'll tell her don't worry; I gotta talk to her anyway" I said as the others left. I really needed to catch up on our last lesson when I was in Spain, but I didn't want to do it in front of the others since they already mocked me for being too serious about school.

When I went outside, I saw my friends Maddie and Lauren, and that girl Billie sitting on the stairs.

"Okay guys, anyone of you can sing? Because I surely cannot!" I laughed.

"Me neither, and Lauren had an operation on her throat last week, what are we gonna do?" Maddie asked concerned.

"I can sing" Billie said casually.

"Really? oh thank god". Maddie seemed relieved.

"Well, I'm not sure about your standards, but yes, a little".

"Any ideas for the melody yet?" I asked?

"Let's just write the lyrics first and worry about the melody afterwards. No one really cares about the Lyrics anyways so this should be easy" Billie pointed out.

- It was not. Twenty minutes later and we still couldn't think of a single line. When I say we, I mean me, Lauren and Maddie were busy talking to each other and Billie was wherever but not here. Rather annoyed I decided not to care about it as well and half-heartedly began to write down the most random lines that were on top of my mind, on a paper:

Sittin' all alone
Mouth full of gum
In the hallway
My friends aren't far
On the other side of the stairs
Are their bodies

"Got anything yet?" A voice behind me suddenly asked. I jumped. "Easy," Billie said as she walked towards me. I looked at her oversized clothes: Her style was quite unique and different to the things everyone else wore. I wondered why she didn't wear clothes her size. They really did not shape her body at all, was that her intention? The number of chains she wore made me conclude that she came from a good family and that money wasn't an issue for her.

As she got closer, I could tell she has been smoking.

"Couldn't think of anything, but I think Casey came up with a few lines" Lauren said. Billie looked at me briefly and took the paper out of my hands. 

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