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Billie opened the boot of the van, where a surprise waited for me: Light chains which were hanging from the ceiling, blankets were laying on the floor and a picnic basket with food and some tea where prepared right in the middle. I looked at it amazed.

"This is beautiful," I said touched. 

"I would have brought wine instead, but since I'm driving, I figured tea would be the better option," she said rather shyly. 

I was glad she hasn't brought wine. I feel like wine alone could be enough to make me fall in love with someone. For a short period of time at least. It created this romantic, comfortable atmosphere like no other beverage.

We went inside and left the door open. We got cozy under the blankets and were sitting next to each other. Our knees barely touched, because she sat cross legs.

The view wasn't really pretty, we directly looked at the white wall of some big building.

"The view is on purpose," Billie said, as if she's read my mind. Then she pulled out an overhead projector, those kinds you can project a movie with anywhere you go.

"Do you wanna watch a movie with me and eat bean burritos?" She suggested and I nodded happily.

We ate the Burritos first and honestly, they weren't too bad, considering the fact that they were only filled with beans and nothing else. She was thrilled that I liked it.

As soon as we finished eating, she projected the movie "Can a song save your life" on the wall of the building in front of us and connected the earphone to the projector. We had to scoot closer together in order for both of us to reach an earphone. As the movie was progressing, we slowly invaded each other's private spaces more and more. About halfway through the movie, I laid my head on Billie's shoulder, without overthinking it, next she leaned her head against mine. Then our legs touched and finally she put her hand on my knee and I began playing with her hand and the million rings she has put on. It didn't feel weird or forced, rather natural, but I didn't forget that it was not a real date.

"Yo, the movie was fire," Billie said and put her head up to look at me. "We've watched too much of it though."

"What?" I asked confused before I realized what she meant, and my eyes got big.

She smiled kinkily.

I wondered why she even wanted to kiss me if she was straight. Maybe she just laughs at my nativity secretly as soon as she gets back and it is just a fun game to her. I couldn't think straight with someone staring into my eyes like that. I pulled a pillow and placed it on Billie's legs, avoiding to directly lie on them.

It was already like 11 pm. so I wondered how much longer we're going to stay here. "What do you wanna do now?"

"kick your boyfriends ass"

"I meant if it's already the end of the date, or if you have like a hidden board game you wanted to surprise me with?" I said, not looking up.

"Not really," she laughed. "Well, it depends, I can drive you home anytime, But you're of course welcome to stay a little longer," she suggested quietly. In that moment I made the mistake to look up. Her blue eyes pierced right through my brown ones. They had some hopeful glimmer in them, as she looked at me expectantly.

"Well, I have nowhere else to be," I said, almost hypnotized by the power of her gaze.

She smiled and whispered: "Okay"

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Deep down I knew we're never actually going to date or be in a relationship, but for a moment I just forgot about it. It felt real and I was just enjoying the moment before it ended. I sat back up and stretched my neck because it started to hurt due to the high position my head was in with the pillow.

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