~Chapter Sixteen~

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Scar's POV-

Scar didn't sleep that night.

He stayed up all night perfecting his crystal. At long last when he was satisfied-- and maybe even proud-- of his creation, the sun had already started to rise. He tried to get some sleep once he finished, but he had just lay in bed for an hour, unable to drift off, before giving up. Ah well, he'd surely get some sleep tonight. Maybe. If all went well today he might.

Scar would be calling for Sherlock Grian that day, to discuss everything that had been off the past couple weeks. Jellie's disappearances, Mumbo's oddness, Xisuma's oddness, everything that had been abnormal. He could hardly wait. Even though they probably wouldn't be getting any answers that day, he was still excited to at least get going on investigating... maybe. To be quite honest he had no clue what his goal was. He just knew he needed to have a nice chat with his friend.

Sitting on top of Larry's shell, Scar faced the lake. Not having gotten much sleep over the last few days, the wizard was very tired and mildly loopy. Standing up to climb down, Scar wobbled sleepily a bit, fumbling and dropping his crystal. "ACK-!" 

Jumping down quickly with little regard for his own health, Scar landed on his feet and immediately crouched down, turning around on the grassy ground, ruffling through the blades of greens to find his creation. "Please don't be damaged, please don't be damaged," he muttered under his breath as he searched. Turning around, the Hermit came face-to-face with a small gray and yellow cockatiel. It stood still, staring at him, and he realized that in its beak was the crystal he had been searching frantically for.

If his heart rate had increased already, it wasn't anything compared to this. "Come on, parrot," he said quickly. "Drop the crystal, please. Can I have it? That's mine-" Attempting and failing to sound calm, Scar's hand shook as he held it out to the parrot. 

After a moment of tense silence, the bird, to Scar's dismay, flew up high into the air, still clutching the crystal. Scar gasped. "No, no, no, n-"

But the bird just landed on top of Larry's shell, placing down the crystal and chirping loudly. Did it want him to come up? Scar couldn't see why not; things like that happened a fair bit in Hermitcraft. Especially around the magic-user, as he was definitely more susceptible to strange things. Still he had to be careful, in case that wasn't the case this time.

Slowly, Scar climbed up the snail's shell. The bird didn't fly away, even shifting to the side a bit to allow Scar more room. So apparently it was the former. Scar sat down and the bird nudged the crystal closer. He tilted his head as he carefully put the crystal in his pouch. What was the use of stealing it? Did the cockatiel want his attention or something? Placing his hands on his lap, he turned to face the bird. "Hello, birdy. Did you want something?"

The bird seemed to nod. It chirped again, a series of cheeps and twitters, as if it was trying to tell him something. He blinked in confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." The bird fell silent, narrowing its eyes. As it turned away, Scar noticed that around its pupil was an amber iris, matching Mumbo and Jellie's perfectly. The parrots' eyes were usually much darker. Huh. Interesting. 

"Do you have a name?' Scar asked. Maybe that wasn't the best question to ask, being that the bird couldn't exactly tell him. But apparently the bird had a different mindset, as it perked up, chirping. It quickly went airborne and flew up for a bit, before spotting a nearby beehive and flying right towards it. "Uh, birdie, I really don't think going near that is a good idea..."

Instead of leaving, the bird landed on the branch above where the hive was located. It gestured somewhat to it with its wing, lifting it up to point at the hive, then nodding its head. Scar was confused for a moment before he realized what she was trying to do. "Are you trying to charades me your name?"

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