~Chapter Twenty-Three~

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Four weeks later

Citrus's POV-

The cat had been running for who-knows-how long. Her pelt was decorated with scratches and scars of various sizes, and her eyes were wild. Her fur was ruffled beyond grooming, like she had just fallen through a tree.

And by the various twigs and leaves stuck in her knotted hairs, it was clear that she had.

Her legs were sore and burned like she was on fire. She could hardly breathe; the hasty breaths she could take in were raspy and shallow. She could hardly keep running for much longer.

But, and no matter how much she wished she could, Citrus couldn't run for much longer. And before she even realized it, she had collapsed into a pile of shaky, quivering limbs. Her bated breathing was all she could hear, and she could hardly keep her eyes open in her exhaustion.

Oh, how so much had changed in the last few weeks. Grumbot had finally agreed to join her-- took Him long enough, and that stupid parrot, Bee was shot down by the robot. Void backed out of the band and escaped to somewhere Citrus didn't know with Mumbo, the traitor.

But Grian and Scar had different plans. They banded up and unleashed havok on the server. Citrus had no clue why, and didn't quite want to know, either. Their first target was Sage.

And they didn't fail.

And so Citrus had to escape. She had run off, fleeing into a nearby forest. That's where she had remained for the last week, preying on unsuspecting parrots and chickens. She refused to let herself be caught. Not like Sage.

Apparently a lot can happen when you abandon your story for four weeks.


Yes, it is 9:41 pm, the day is almost over, and yet I still am doing my prank now. Deal with it. <3

Thanks for bearing with me, lovelies, as I work, slowly but steadily on the next chapter, and see you in the next one, my little Readers!

Promise out!

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