~Chapter Six~

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Grian stood back to admire his work. Before him stood a tall townhouse-like building. Mostly made of sandstone and brick, it was a perfect replica of the one he had created in the prior season. He dusted his hands off as he looked up at his new shop. Well, not exactly new, per se, but new for this season. As he stepped back, a prideful grin spread over his face. The process had been a lot simpler, as he had already done it once before. Even so, he felt a great satisfaction in finishing the build.

It had taken him quite a bit to collect the materials he needed, and the entire process had taken Grian two days from when he had begun to get everything he required to finally finishing the build. All he had left to do was work on the doorbell and entrance mechanism. While working with noteblocks was fun it was also extremely difficult to get the timing just right. Additionally, he needed to gather a bit more redstone-- a trip to Iskall's redstone shop would be necessary. 

A tap on his shoulder jolted him out of his trance and he spun around to see Scar standing right behind him. The Hermit had since changed back into his wizard costume, minus the fake beard this time. The little star stitched to the top of the hat bobbed up and down as he stepped back to give Grian some room. Folding his arms, he started, "Well, well, well; seems Sherlock Grian is back in business."

The brit chuckled, as that was exactly what he had been doing. He had been recreating his old Sherlock Grian headquarters from the last season. Grian had even put his detective outfit back on. "Yep, I am," he said with a cocky grin and wink. "Got a new mystery that needs solving, and who better to do it?"

Scar shook his head with a laugh. "Glad I'm not the target of your detective skills this time. Though you also get no cookies, so..."

Grian remembered the shenanigans of The Jangler from the last season. It had turned out to be Scar himself, which Grian had discovered with the help of Doc and Ren. He suppressed a chuckle as he reminisced about the events of last season. There were so many good memories; so much excitement. The brit was glad that Xisuma had brought him through the portal that had brought him here. He certainly felt more comfortable here than he had in his late place of residence. Poultry Man, the Salmon Ghost, Area 77 and the hippies...

Scar gave an exaggerated shrug and continued, bringing Grian back out of his own thoughts for the second time. "So, what are you investigating this time?" The Hermit exaggerated the last two words in a jokingly-exasperated tone. 

Grian's smile became less of a joking one, and more determined as he explained his intention on finding out what Mumbo's 'project' was. "He can't keep a secret from Sherlock Grian for long!" Scar nodded along thoughtfully. 

"Ooh, sounds like a good mystery," he said, nodding in approval.

Grian opened his mouth to say something else, but was disrupted by the feeling of something brushing against his leg. Looking down, he saw a gray tabby cat rubbing against him. It let out a little mew as stared up at him, amber eyes glistening innocently. Scar quickly bent over and scooped the cat into his arms. "Oh, hi, Jellie! I was looking for you," he cooed as Jellie began to purr. Scar looked back up at Grian and said, "Sorry bout that; she ran off earlier. Couldn't find her for the life of me."

"No, it's fine," Grian said, brushing off some cat hair that had gotten on his pant leg. "I'm just a bit furry now." He stood back up. "So, anything else you need? Any other mysteries needing solving?"

Scar shook his head. "Not that I can think of at the moment... Actually, Grian..." He paused for a moment before continuing. Whether this was to phrase his next thought or for pure dramatic effect, Grian had no idea. "I'd like to offer my services to Sherlock Grian." The Hermit raised an eyebrow and smiled at Grian. "Mind of I join you as a fellow detective this time?"

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