~Chapter Fourteen~

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Scar blinked. "You want me to make you a life crystal."

Iskall nodded enthusiastically. He pulled out a notebook and flipped to a dog-eared page, filled to the brim with scribbles and sloppy notes. The paged detailed a figure, with a scribbled "6'" next to it. The figure had a very geometrical body, composed nearly entirely of squares and rectangles. Along the messy sketches were words, including but not limited to, "ask scar for help", "omega-sized transfer insert", "m a g i c", " truth abour Mumbo????", and-- in all caps and underlined, "HUMANOID BODY FOR G". He held the notebook right in front of Scar's face before the Hermit slowly took it out of Iskall's hands and began to look over it.

Iskall watched intently as Scar begun to look over his plans. He was practically bouncing with exhilaration, and brimming with giddiness. He hadn't been this excited to do a project since he had first made the plans for his Omega Tree base. And, for once, it wouldn't take forever-- Mumbo had done most of the work already. He just had to prepare Grumbot's new body.

After a moment, Scar, without looking up, said, "Well I like the idea, but why me? Wouldn't you rather have X do it?" He handed Iskall hack the notebook and looked away slightly. Clearly embarrased, he continued, "He's a lot more advanced than me. Heck, he probably wouldn't need a crystal!" The Hermit waved his hand in what Iskall assumed was the direction of Scar's magic village. "Have you seen Larry?"

Iskall had, in fact, seen Larry. And Scar might be right, in the idea that X was more talented and could probably do what Iskall was hoping for. But then again, Iskall couldn't place his finger on it, but the way X was acting caused the cyborg have second thoughts about asking the admin for help on this. The way he acted around Mumbo struck Iskall as odd, and he didn't exactly want to pester him about it. So, Iskall shook his head. "I came to you for a reason, Wizard Scar. You think you can do it?"

Scar looked back at Iskall, his eyes glimmering. After a moment, he matched Iskall's grin and nodded. Adjusting his hat, the wizard began pacing, his strides full of determination. He began talking, and Iskall wasn't entirely sure who it was aimed to, so he continued to stand there, folding his arms. "A life crystal is definitely going to be a lot more work than a simple health crystal, though I think I can start there..."

After a few minutes, it was evident that Scar wasn't talking to Iskall, and the swede prepared to take off back to his Omega Tree, but Scar piped up, making Iskall pause. "Oh, Iskall. I'll probably have it in a few days." He then continued to say muttered nonsense that Iskall couldn't make a word of, and the cyborg took that as his sign to leave.


Scar's POV-

The 'muttered nonsense' was actually Scar rambling on about his thousands of ideas for Iskall's crystal. The Hermit had never gotten a request before-- unless it was Xisuma giving him 'homework'-- for obvious reasons. So, the wizard had never really needed to come up with ideas on the spot, and was having a bit of trouble doing so. Oh, gosh, why did he say he'd have them in a few days? 

Few days... when would that be, again? Scar reasoned out 'few' to be two, so that would be Sunday, it being Friday that day. As he confirmed internally the day he would have to keep free, he froze. Today was Friday. He had a meeting with Xisuma on Friday.

Scar looked up at the midday sun. He was really crunching for time, now! The two had agreed to meet at sunset every Friday to go over magic... things... and Scar was about to be late for the third time in a row-- though usually it wasn't his fault; it was the trees'. He quickly gathered his materials, including the slimeballs Iskall had delivered not an hour before he came back, shoving a notebook in Scar's face.  Placing them into his pouch, he took out some rockets and flew back to his magic village, where X would soon be waiting.

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