~Chapter Thirty~

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Grian couldn't sleep that night. Well, no. He didn't want to sleep that night. He was just too awake, too many thoughts were bouncing around in his head. Would Grumbot be alright? What had happened to Scar? And what's going on with that fiend, Sage? The Hermit had so much pent-up energy, he couldn't even fathom going to bed just yet. 

Besides, he had something he was better off doing anyway. Grian walked to the center of the main room and broke through the floor, tumbling down further and further until he landed on a single bit of water. He had a few secrets of his own. When Grian had told Scar that he hadn't been doing anything lately... that was a white lie. But the Hermit hadn't seen any sense in telling him the truth; it's not like it mattered at the moment anyway.

No, Grian had actually been quite busy lately. But, instead of his efforts being channeled into anything having to do with Mumbo, they were focused on Grian himself. Rather, his memories. 

Which were disappearing at an alarming rate.

Below his base, Grian had created his own room, a secret, private room. In it lay papers of all types strewn about the floor haphazardly. On a table were more papers. Each of these only had a couple of words, maybe a sentence or two written on each. There were a few scribbled drawings, but nothing coherent. It was all incredibly disorganized; Grian had tried to fix it multiple times, but no matter what he did it just got all chaotic again later. But, there was one thing that was tidy-- or as close to it as the gremlin could get. On one wall was a big poster board with different papers stuck to it. They were all connected by various pieces of string. To an outsider, it was pure gibberish. But to Grian, it made perfect sense.

It was his Memory Board. All these papers were covered in different memories from before HermitCraft. When he noticed that he was losing them, he had begun to jot them all down as quickly as possible so that he could at least have them. The Hermit didn't remember much anymore, so connecting these was proving harder than he thought. That's where the board came in. Whenever he was able to make a connection between a few memories, people, or other things, he connected them on there. Of course, he couldn't connect everything; not yet. But he was hoping that maybe, someday, he could.

But there was just one thing in particular that bothered him about all this. All of these memories, every last one, lead to something... someone... in particular. He couldn't remember their name. He couldn't remember what they looked like. All he knew was that they were the most prevalent person in Grian's life before this. 

Grian bent over and picked up a few papers from the ground.

-t̶w̶o̶- three groups

How could they remember so well? They were magic, I swear.

I hate being short

Heh... If only he could remember what any of this meant-- besides the short bit, of course. He knew that all too well. There was so little left in his brain now, it was almost as if it had never happened at all. The only things he remembered as fact were the most basic of information. Before he came to HermitCraft, Grian was a 'Watcher,' whatever that meant. And now... he was here. 

He looked back up at his Memory Board at the seemingly related various notes that were strung together. Things that only made sense to be together. 

It was almost like a cult... It was probably a cult


Huh, initiation. Until now, Grian had never considered that fully. Didn't the Hermit Challenges have an initiation, too? Eh, that was just a coincidence. But it didn't matter, no. What mattered now was figuring out who this mystery person was, and what Grian had to do with them. Grian racked his brain for more memories, any glimpses of the past, but got nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

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