~Chapter Thirty-One~

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Scar's POV-

"So, basically what I'm trying to say is that the difference between us and you is that you Hermits really truly revive-- as yourselves-- and we mobs simply, well, reincarnate." Bee and Scar sat on top of Larry's shell, taking in the newly-risen sun. Scar had asked Bee what happened to her and the rest of the mobs when they died-- the Hermits came back, but he wasn't sure about everything else. Luckily for him, Bee seemed pretty knowledgeable on the topic, even if her means of being alive this time weren't exactly natural. 

As it turned out, these 'mobs', as Bee referred to all the different fauna in the world, were something like immortal, like the Hermits. When one should die, they existed in a sort of limbo until they were stuck in another new body of that same species, retaining all of their memories. It was similar to how the Hermits revived whenever they met an unfortunate end. Life, it was incredible.

Scar nodded his head thoughtfully. "So, Bee, did you have any other lives?" Was this too personal of a question to ask? Hm. Well, he already asked it. Too late now.

"Oh, yes, of course," the bird replied, as if that was the most obvious answer ever. She might've even hidden a chuckle in there somewhere. "I had three other lives. Still goin' strong on this one though," she said, fluffing her feathers.

Oh, maybe it wasn't as personal as he thought. Three lives, huh? Scar had probably died three times just in the past two days, and not even to mention prank day. "How did you die last?" 

Without even a moment of hesitation, Bee responded, "Grian." Her voice was monotonous and matter-of-fact. Although, Scar might have picked up a hint of resentment there.

Oh. "Oh." That was not surprising in the slightest, if the wizard was being honest. "What about the one before that?"

Bee, again, didn't skip a beat. "Grian." Oh, dear. Grian, what have you done?

"...And the one before that?" Bee was silent, and Scar understood. "Right... Grian." Scar chuckled nervously. The brit had awful genocide habits. "I imagine you're not his biggest fan, then?"

"Ahahahah, no." Wow. Scar couldn't exactly blame her for disliking him, although the wizard himself had been murdered by the gremlin his own fair share of times. Maybe it was different when you had only died three times and actually had a whole entire life for each one. Huh. Maybe this was why no one ever talked to animals-- especially livestock-- before this. Bee was silent for a few moments before speaking in a softer, less brittle tone. "I'm actually quite nervous about the prospect of dying again," she admitted.

Well, that was understandable. Nobody wanted to die. "Really?"

"Yeah. Maybe it's because I didn't... become alive in the way that I'm supposed to. How I'm basically an inorganic being with a soul, y'know?" She looked away, at the lake, her eyes glossing over as she stared into space. "Really, I'm terrified. I'm terrified that if I die again, I won't come back."

Scar didn't know how to respond. He had never considered that. Granted, he had also never considered that birds came back to life after being killed either, but this definitely wasn't on his thought list. The idea of dying and then not coming back to life-- it was awful. His mind flashed back to his conversation with Grian. Wondering if Mumbo was even alive, or if he was gone for good. He shuddered. "Bee, I-"

The bird quickly shook her head, cutting Scar off. "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have brought it up. What happens... will happen." Her usually confident, or at the very least optimistic tone was completely gone, swapped for a meek, fearful one. This was no good. Bee was reportedly not able to get Xisuma to admit that he had killed Scar with admin magic, so the mood was damp already.

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