~~Chapter Five~~

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It was getting late. Grian had several arrows sticking out of various limbs, and he was pretty sure he had at least a half-dozen spider bites. Clearly, he had not lit the place up well enough. He checked his inventorial pouch and was glad to see he had a few spare torches, which he dotted around the area. It didn't help with the preexisting monsters that had already come out, but it did provide a bit of light, and for that Grian was grateful. It's hard to build when it's impossible to see what it actually looks like.

The moon hung in the sky, casting a weak glow over the area. Along with the stars, it illuminated Grian's figure as he stood, his hair ruffled and his eyes baggy from fatigue. Having worked for the last few days straight, Grian was rightfully very tired. What's worse, he heard the shrieking of phantoms circling overhead. When was the last time he had slept? He couldn't really remember. The determination of building had kept him running for the last few days, and he had hardly thought about sleep.

The brit realized that he had also not gone to visit Mumbo since he had returned either. Grian decided that he would do that... In the morning, that is. He brushed off his hands and stepped back from his work. Digging, as Grian found, is exhausting, especially when the tnt supply has run out. Quite a few broken tools lay around, discarded as he finished with them. Grian gathered his various shulker boxes and materials and threw them into his pouch to be dealt with later. He made his way through his mansion and to his room, where he clambered into his bed. In a matter of minutes, he had drifted off into one of the first peaceful sleeps he had had in a good while.

The next morning, Grian got out of his bed as usual. He grabbed some golden carrots from his chest and nibbled on one as he pulled on his elytra and other gear. Making his way to the front of his mega-base, he pulled put a few rockets and shot into the air. He sailed over the jungle, staring down to find Mumbo's base. It hadn't changed too much since the last time Grian had visited, but it was clear that Mumbo was making up for lost time. Something Grian noticed, however, was that Mumbo had seemed to have slighy steered away from the ruined theme. It was too bad; Grian had rather liked it.

Instead, little spots of iron and white concrete had begun to form along the edges, reminiscent of Mumbo's very bright and mechanical base from last 'season', on the other side of the 'Season Portal', as Xisuma had called it.

But, Grian wasn't one to judge, and he flew into the center of it. Looking around, there wasn't a sign of the Hermit. Where could he be? Grian ran over the possibilities in his mind. He eventually came to the conclusion that his friend was probably at his industrial district.

So, after many wrong turns and somehow managing to arrive back at his own mansion, Grian finally made his way to the industrial district, where he, to his relief, found a very tiny, very flustered Mumbo Jumbo. Grian was about to swoop in to greet his friend when he heard a crack, and suddenly he went pummeling towards the ground at full speed. "Ack!" he screeched, his limbs flailing wildly in the air. He must not have checked how bad his elytra was. Come to think of it, he had been using it a good bit over the last coup-

Grian crashed face-first into the ground with a crack as he felt a sharp pain in his neck and woke back up in his bed.

<Grian> fell from a high place

He glanced around at the familiar interior of his room with a groan. Grumbling, he dug out an extra elytra and rockets from a shulker box he had lying around in case of emergencies. The Did You Die boxes from before crossed Grian's mind for just a split second and Grian let out a chuckle. A small part of him wanted to start those up again; they were fun.

After another ten minutes of searching for Mumbo's district, he finally arrived, swooping down gracefully and landing-- on his feet, this time-- right in front of Mumbo, who stood atop a complicated-looking redstone build. He gazed upon the circuitry with disdain.

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