Chapter 13

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It's currently the last day of the trip and me and Kian have barely talked since the kiss I've always tried to bring it up but he always brushes it off so I haven't bothered him anymore. I'm too of a bad bitch to worry about him anyways it's currently 8:00 at night and I'm gonna talk to Kian because a girl needs some answers. He's in the bathroom right now so I walk up to the door and walk in cause I heard the water turn off.

"Kian" I yell out to him he 'hums' in response

"We need to talk." I say and I sit on the toilet seat and he stands in front of me in between my legs.

"What is it princess." He asks playing with my hair which is in a puff cause remember at the beach yeah I took it down anyways

"I wanted to talk to you about the kiss." I say to him slowly

"What about it?" He asks and he stops playing with my hair

"Why'd you kiss me and why every time I ask about it you brush it off and don't walk away now I wanna know before we leave for the trip." I say to him and hold his arms

"I-I I don't know ever since you came back I've just got these feelings for you and I know we're like best friends. But ever since we were little I've have some type of feelings but then you left and they went away and then you came back and we kissed it's just like I want to be with you I don't know." He says nervously and he rubs the back of his neck blushing

"Kian you like me?" I ask him slowly he nods

"I mean yeah I just poured my whole heart out to you so yeah." He says "And I'm not saying we can get in a relationship but I just want you to tell how I feel." He says

"Well I like you to I thought my feelings were one sided that's why I didn't say anything I mean I did kind of make it obvious." I say if I was lighter you would definitely see my blush I put my head on his chest

"We could take it slow if you want and see how it goes or not I do-" he rambles I cut him off

"Yeah we can go slow I'd like that" I say and we walk out the bathroom and back to the room and we fall asleep

The next morning and today is the last day of the trip which were gonna make the best of it since me and kian expressed our feelings yesterday night and I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders so we're going to Disney world well all the kids that are coming on the trip is going to Disney world it's 12:00 and we leave Florida at 7:00 so we have enjoy time we're on the road to Disney world as I speak.

We've been at Disney world for an hour now and we gone on at least 3 rides we've just been walking around eating and laughing just having a good time.

"Hey princess you wanna go splash mountain?" Kian asks me looking down at me smiling I smile back

"Yeah" I say and we start walking to the ride the wait is about 20 minutes

We get on the ride I'm scared cause I'm not finna get wet I hate wet rides but I'll do it for Kian. Kian notices my nervousness so he holds my hand and squeezes it I smile at him and then the ride starts I start screaming I hold onto Kian he wraps his arm around me. After the ride we found Liam talking with his boyfriend.

"Damn you guys are all wet" Liam says and starts slapping my shirt I glare at him

"Yo Liam stop I'm already cold." I say and punch him on the arm he winces "Kian we need a change of clothes" I say to Kian

"Yes cause I'm not going on the bus like this" he says I nod and we start looking for a store that sells clothes I'm wearing a black Disney shirt and some shorts Kian is wearing the same shirt as me and shorts. We look good.

"We're matching" I say gushing he rolls his eyes

"That's because you wanted to look 'cute' I'm not cute I'm handsome" he says while rolling his eyes

"Well your my cute bub" I say he walks away I laugh hard "wait kian" I catch up to him we went to get some food from a concession stand things. And then we got on more rides and had fun.
Thank you for reading my book and this new chapter hope you enjoyed it 💕


See you in the next chapter👋🏾

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