Chapter 7

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Thank you all for 100 reads on my story I would like to thank everybody who took the time out of their day to read my story and enjoy and come back to read more so thank you all. 😘💕

1 month later it's been 1 month since I remembered me and Kian being childhood best friends ever since we've been hanging out everyday after school and on the weekends we've just been catching up right now it's lunch time and they are gonna put up the 20 students who are gonna on the trip.

(You might be asking why are 20 kids going on this trip well let me tell you it's a project and the rest of the kids just have to search it up as if they were there and the 20 kids who are there have to do the project let me explain the project: you have to take pictures, pretend that's where your living in the future and how do you see yourself where are you working and if you have kids and you explore Florida when doing the project)

They made all the kids vote during the summer which state they wanna go for Thai trip and they picked Florida I don't know why but I'm not complaining so me and Liam are eating and talking we are waiting for it to not be crowded around the clipboard so we can check our names to see if we are going.

Couple minutes later

Me and Liam got up from the table and are waking to the clipboard to see if are name is on there

"Yes my name is there." I say excitedly

"Mine to I guess we going to Florida yay.!!" Liam yells and we hug each other

"Girl we gotta go shopping for clothes I gotta look good." Liam says I roll my eyes

"Liam really." I say and we walk back to the table

'Ahem the 20 kids that are going to the trip to Florida please come to the front office I repeat please come to the office at this time' the intercom says and all 20 people get up to go to the office We walk into the office and I see Kian walking to the office as well and I run up and hug him he hugs me back

"Are you going to the trip princess?." He asks me as we sit down in the front office

"Yeah are you going?." I ask him he nods yes and I squeal Liam walks over to us

"Bitch you just left me over there with the fake Barbies how could you." Liam says I laugh

"Sorry." I say to me and Liam just talk until the principal comes in the room to announce why we are here

"Alright alright I know you guys are very excited to be going on this trip." Everyone yells 'yess!!' 'Yeah' "ok, ok settle down the reason I have called you all here because we need to go over what's going to be going on the trip is in a week next week Friday so get to packing when you get home next we have rules" everyone groans "mhmm we need rules we can't have you all running like chickens without their heads so it's simple rules first rule never go out alone always bring a buddy with you second rule your curfew is at 11:00pm every night until then we will do roll call at 11:00pm to make sure you are in your rooms if you are not there will be consequences third you cannot go farther then the place we go to let me explain if we are in Orlando you cannot go to Jacksonville or anywhere father then an 1 hour away next we will have 2 rental cars there for you to drive around and if you want to walk you can cause I know 2 cars are not enough and lastly have fun and we will be going by bus it will be a 10 hour drive we leave Friday at 6:00 in the morning." He concludes and walks out but he comes back "if you have any questions come by my office at the end of the day." He says and then walks out

I look around the room to see who's coming and then I look at Liam and he's just on his phone probably talking to his momma and then I look at Kian and he's already looking at me

"What?" I ask him and he snaps back into reality

"Nothing princess." He says and wraps and arm around me

"Are you excited bub.?" I ask him using his nickname knowing he hates when I use that nickname He groans

"Yes I'm excited now that I know your coming and stop calling me that you know I hate that nickname.." he says

"I know and imma keep on saying it cause I love how it irritates you bub." I say grinning he rolls his eyes

"You black girl get up off my boyfriend!." Chloe says yelling and her minions behind her I look at her then back to Kian and then back to her

"Chloe lik—." I cut Kian off

"Chloe I will not hesitate to smack the sh¡t out of you go away." I say while using my hands as a shoo movement

"Babe why are you letting her talk to me like that." She says in a baby voice

"Yeah Kian you deal with that." I say trying to get up but he pulls me back down "wha-"

"Princess sit down." He demands and Chloe thinks he talking to her so she tries to sit down on his lap but he moves before she can sit down and falls and I bust out laughing like i mean bust the fuck out laughing..

"BABE WHAT THE HECK!! YOU BLACK BITCH I WILL RUIN YOU." She yells embarrassed and runs out and I'm still laughing

"Alexis it's not that funny." Liam says but I'm still laughing

"Ho- hold on." I say out of breath "alright alright I'm done" and I get up and straighten myself out

"Princess it wasn't that funny." Kian says I roll my eyes

"Yes it was Anyways I gotta call my mama see y'all later." I say and walk out
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hopefully you enjoyed this chapter see you in the next one😘

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