Chapter 8

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It's currently the day of the trip to Florida I told my mom and dad about it they were excited that I'm going to Florida but it's currently 4 in the morning I packed last night yes I know I packed late but me and Liam had to go shopping to get clothes and I had to make sure Kian had some nice outfits so I had to go over at his house to help him pack. But I need to get ready so I head to the bathroom to do my morning duties like normal and I walk out the bathroom and to my room an dry off and put on my underwear and then put on my outfit of course it's gonna be a bummy outfit it's to early for this.

  But I need to get ready so I head to the bathroom to do my morning duties like normal and I walk out the bathroom and to my room an dry off and put on my underwear and then put on my outfit of course it's gonna be a bummy outfit it's to early fo...

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And my momma did my hair last night it took forever but I had to take them braids out and plus I'm going to a new state gotta look good anyways it's about 5:45 now I put on deodorant and Perfume and then I grab my little suitcase and bring it down...

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And my momma did my hair last night it took forever but I had to take them braids out and plus I'm going to a new state gotta look good anyways it's about 5:45 now I put on deodorant and Perfume and then I grab my little suitcase and bring it downstairs with me

Snacks ✔️
Charger ✔️
Headphones ✔️
Money ✔️
Gum ✔️
Phone ✔️

My mom and dad gave me about 2grand to spend in Florida which I am grateful for and I see my mom and dad come downstairs in their pajamas

"Honey you got all your stuff." My mom asks I nod and sit down on the couch hear comes the lecture

"Alexis no boys, no wandering the streets alone—" I just block her out she told me all this last night and the day I told her I was going to this trip

10 minutes later

Liam texts my phone and tells me he's outside I kiss my mom and dad on the cheek and say goodbye and walk outside with my suitcase and put my luggage In the back and hop in and put my seat belt on

"Goodmorning Alexis." Liam says to me

"Goodmorning Liam." I say to him while yawning and he drives to the school about 10 minutes later we are at school and the busses are already lined up and kids and their parents are here I get out the car and take my suitcase and wait for Liam to get out

"I need to find Kian." I say to Liam and I look down at his luggage with wide eyes "Liam why do you have that fat ass suitcase it's only for a week." I tell him

"Because you never know what will happen so you gotta be prepared." He says as we walk to find Kian and Liam spots him he's just standing there lonely I run up to him but Chloe stands in my way before I can reach him

"Bitch do not touch my man." She says and I dust myself off I glare at her

"Girl it is to early in the morning for this and if he's your so called man he shouldn't be laid up with me 24/7" I say to her and check to make sure my hair is fixed she scoffs

"Black girl you are nobo—." I just walk away with her stupid rant before I go to jail and walk to Kian who's oblivious to what's going on and I jump on him and he hugs me back I wrap my legs around his waist

"Hi princess." He says while smiling and I smile

"Hi bub, I almost dragged a bitch early this morning." I say to him and he chuckles

"Who?" He asks and I roll my eyes

"Ms.Barbie." I say he rolls his eyes and I get down from him and I fix my clothes and they start calling for roll call to get on the bus since my name starts with a w and like the last one I walk to the bus and try to find Kian and Liam and I sit next to Kian and I say hi to Liam who's sitting infront of us.

"Bitch you should have dragged her ass she talking all that shit." Liam says and I roll my eyes

"I know but I'm not finna get suspended for no jealous bitch." I say and i pull out my phone and go to Instagram and it's time for us to start moving

4 hours In

It's been 4 hours since we've been on the road and me,Liam and kian have been just talking, playing games, and eating it's been boring and I'm tired I pull out my blanket and go into Kians lap to sleep cause he's comfortable and I snuggle up

"Um princess what are you doing?" Kian questions me

"I'm going to sleep and you are comfortable so I'm sleeping here so shhhh bub." I tell him and put my face in his neck and he wraps an arm around my back and puts his other on top of my legs

2 hours later

It's been 2 hours since I've been to sleep and Kian fell asleep so now I'm up with nothing to do ughhh.... I should probably watch Netflix.. that's boring and Liam is knocked out dead I should listen to music yeah nahh I'mma read Wattpad I could read Wattpad for hours yeah imma do that. And I read 'Mafia Monde' Mann I love that book I love the female character is so badass and they are perfect for each other Couple hours later and we are almost there we have an hour left and Kian woke up 20 minutes ago and he's been staring out the window I'll just talk to him

"Bub." I say and he looks towards me with and eyebrow raised

"Yes, princess?" He says

"Do you have a girlfriend." I ask him wiggling my eyebrows he shakes his head 'no' "really Kian did you have a girlfriend when I left" I ask him he says his head no I raise my eyebrow at him "hmmm" I say

"Princess did you ever have a boyfriend." He asks me

"Nah, they were all dickheads where I was and I didn't have any friends either." I say and we keep conversating until where there at the hotel we will be staying at I get up to stretch

"damn my ass probably flat from all that siting" Liam says I roll my eyes

"There was nothing to begin with Liam." I say

"Girl please." Liam says and we head off the bus and head inside the hotel to get check in

Hey 👋🏾 this was a lengthy chapter hoped you enjoy!! Thank you for reading this chapter

Hopefully I'll see you in the next one 😘

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