Chapter 14

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It's been a week since the trip and me and Liam have been just taking things slow yesterday he asked me out on a date I was surprised


Me and kian are at his house right now watching Disney movies and eating popcorn we've been doing this for a couple of hours now.

"Hey princess can I ask you a question?" Kian asks me he scratches the back of his head nervously.

"Yes bub" I say looking at him and eating some popcorn

"Um w-would you like to go on a date with me?" He stutters I stare at him with wide eyes while he plays with his fingers

"Date?" I ask in disbelief he nods

"Yeah I would like to go on a date with you" I say he sighs in relief

"Good cause I was nervous" he says I chuckle

"Kian nervous never" I say teasing him He pushes my shoulder and kisses me he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer we move our lips together and I feel tingling sensation down my back and to my pussy he bits my lip and starts kissing down my neck he wraps one hand around my throat not choking me but In a sexual way but I pull away and we stare into each other eyes I peck his lips one more time and lay back on the bed.

Flashback over

So yeah that's what happened he told me the date was on Wednesday which is today and it's at 7 he didn't tell me where were going but I'll just have to see when we get there I'm excited who would have thought me and kian going on a date. It's 3 right now school got out at 2

I need to call Liam over so he can help me with this date I need to look good for this date. purr.

I ring his phone he picks up on the second ring "hello" he says through the phone

"Hey Liam I need you to come over to my house and help me with my outfit I don'— " he cuts me off

"Say no-more I'm coming over in 8 minutes" he says

"Thank you your a lifesaver" I say he chuckles

"I know I am" he says I roll my eyes and hang up I walk into the bathroom to get ready for my date I hop in the shower and wash myself after about 20 minutes I get out and brush my teeth and and wash my face I dry myself after I did all this stuff Liam came over and helped me look for an outfit.

"How about this one?" Liam says holding up a black dress with holes on the side

"Naw to showy" I say while putting on deodorant and lotion

"Alright how about this one?" He says holding up a light pink dress with a hole in the middle.

I put the dress on and spray perfume and put lipgloss on and I do my hair which is in a slick back ponytail I haven't had time to get my hair done since the trip

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I put the dress on and spray perfume and put lipgloss on and I do my hair which is in a slick back ponytail I haven't had time to get my hair done since the trip. I get out the bathroom Liam comes back in my room and he starts hyping me up

"My bestie looking good." "Ayo ma lemme get your number" he says doing the light skin face I laughed at his antics I went to get my purse and we went outside to take pictures and post on my Instagram.

20 minutes later kian tells me he's almost here so I get up and wait outside for him. Kian finally gets here I walk to the car and open the door and hop in

"You look like a princess princess" he says I chuckle

"Thank you my knight." I say and kiss his cheek "where are we going bub" I ask him cause this whole week he hasn't told me where we are going.

"You'll just have to wait." He says I roll my eyes and grumble under my breath 'yOuLl JuSt HaVe To WaIt' he heard me and puts his hand on my thigh and squeezes it. On the way to wherever me and kian just talk until we are at the destination which is a park.

"What are we doing here" I ask as we got out the car and walk to a empty field but as we walk closer I see a Picnic

"We're having a picnic princess. Do you like it?" He asks me nervously I smile at him and grab his face and bring him down to me and kiss his lips he immediately responds to me and kisses me.

"I love it bub it looks so beautiful" I say in awe and I let go of his hand and run to the picnic to sit down "wow bub you really outdid yourself" I say he comes down to sit next to me

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"I love it bub it looks so beautiful" I say in awe and I let go of his hand and run to the picnic to sit down "wow bub you really outdid yourself" I say he comes down to sit next to me

"Thank you princess I was nervous you wouldn't like it." He says blushing

"Why wouldn't I like this is beautiful." I say looking around in awe he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and I lay down on him

"Who helped you with this?" I ask turning around to look at him and he is already looking at me

"Um my mom" he blushes

"That's cute" I say and kiss his cheek we talked and ate and ram around just laughing and talking for the rest of the date we clean up and head back to the car

"I really had fun kian" I say holding his hand

"Me too there will be more to come." He says and we drive home
Thank you for reading my book and this new chapter hope you enjoyed it 💕


See you in the next chapter👋🏾

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