Chapter 17

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I'm back guys I just did not feel like editing these chapters at all but I'm back appreciate you all for waiting💕
Alexis POV:

We are in the store right now we've been here for about 20 minutes getting a whole bunch of snacks in the cart we have 2 bags of everything which is: hot fries, Cheeto puffs, Purple Doritos, and cheddar popcorn and then we have cookies, Pringles and other stuff were going to get some water cause gotta stay hydrated.

"Kian can we get some lunchables" i ask him pleading he sighs

"No princess we already have all this stuff" he says motioning to the cart and then bending over to grab the water cases.

"Bu-" I go to say but he cuts me off

"No" he says curtly and he puts the water cases in the cart

"Kian! Listen.. what if I don't want those and I want lunchables we still haven't got ice cream yet." I say pouting

"See we still haven't got ice cream yet so it's either ice cream or lunchables." He says as we round the corner and go to the ice cream isle

"Umm ice cream." I say and grab the cookies and cream ice cream and bring it back to the cart and we start walking to the register we finish paying it's current 7:43 PM at night we're heading to Kians place right now.

After about 20 minutes of driving we finally made it and we're bringing the groceries upstairs

"Ugh my arms hurt!" I say tiredly Kian groans he opens up his door we walk in and bring the stuff to the kitchen I drop the stuff and groan "finally" I say

"Time to put the stuff away."  Kian says while putting the perishable items away while I bring the snacks to the living room to set up.

After about 20 minutes of putting the stuff away my and Kian are eating snacks and watching a movie.

"Bub you wanna do face masks with me?" I ask him turning to look at him

"No" he says curtly I roll my eyes

"Why not?" I ask him I sit up from my current position on the couch

"Cause I don't want to" he says I get up from the couch and stand in-front of him

"Come on please you owe me for not letting me get some lunchables" I whine he rolls his eyes

"No I don't you was being greedy" he says grabbing my waist

"Man whatever I'm doing it" I say and as I was about to go to the bathroom kian throws me over his shoulder and runs to the bathroom

"Ahh! Kian stop doing that! Put me down!!" I yell while banging on his back

"Nah I like doing this." He says as he puts me down on the bathroom counter "alright which one are we doing?" He asks me

"We're doing the Aztec clay mask one" I say he groans I raise and eyebrow "what?" I ask him while I mix the water and mask thing together

"I hate that one it burns my face and it be itchy" he says

"That means it's working now come on so I can put this on your face" I say and start applying it to his face and then mine.

Couple minutes later we are done with our face masks and me and kian are in bed right now on our phones I'm on fashion nova trynna buy some stuff cause Christmas is next week Friday I turn off my phone and plug it in and tuck myself into bed

"I'm going to sleep kian goodnight" I say to him while yawning

"Goodnight princess" he says and he turns off his phone and brings me to him and we cuddle up in the bed and fall asleep.

It's the next morning and it's time for school but I don't feel like going it's 7:34 I was been supposed to wake up by now but I'm not going to school today so I fall back asleep

Couple minutes later I wake back up and pat the bed next to me and I feel Kian next to me hmm I guess he ain't going to school either we did go to sleep pretty late last night I fall back asleep cause I'm tired.

3 hours later I wake up it's currently 10 in the morning I get up from the bed and stretch and walk to the bathroom to get ready.

After about 30 minutes of doing hygiene stuff I'm done and I just put on a blue Nike tracksuit and some fluffy socks and my hair is in a messy puff. I walk out the bathroom and I see Kian is still in bed so I walk out the room and into the kitchen to make breakfast which contains; pancakes, bacon, eggs and sausages kian finally wakes up and showers and does all his stuff and comes out the room to eat some breakfast

"Finally your awake" I say to him eating some bacon

"I was tired you made me do that stupid mask thing and we stayed up late." He says grabbing a plate of food

"I didn't make you do anything I said I was gonna do it until you threw me over your shoulder and decided you wanted to do it." I say to him he rolls his eyes we talk until we finish our food and Liam starts calling me I pick up the phone.

"Hello" I say

"Girl where the heck are you I came to school all by myself it's so boring here and these mean girl wannabes starting trouble with everybody." Liam rambles

"Sorry I slept late last night and I ain't feel like going today." I reveal 

"Mhmm probably was getting that good dick" he says kian chokes on his pancakes I gasp

"Liam shutup before I jump through this phone and slap you silly" I say to him seriously

"You ain't deny it" he sings I roll my eyes

"Bye Liam" I hang up on him and bring my dish to the sink
Thank you for reading my book and this new chapter hope you enjoyed it 💕


See you in the next chapter 👋🏾

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