Chapter 23

880 23 4

We're finally done with the college tour me and Kian are walking out of the building Kian pushes the door open and we see a lot people outside either playing football, people talking and laughing and eating. Giving me movie vibes.

Kian puts a arm around my shoulder and we walk down the path.

Until two girls come to us

"Hi, kian" one of the girls gush while they both smile widely kian tenses next to me knowing he doesn't like talking to people

"Hi what do you need." I ask them they look at me and then back to kian

"I was wondering if I could get his number." She asks I nudge kian he looks at me I wink at him and remove myself from his hold and start backing away wiggling my eyebrows he gives me a unpleasant look I smirk at him

"Eeee you are so handsome I hope that girl isn't your girlfriend because that would be so sad if you were taken." The other says trying to touch his arm I keep walking backwards until I bump into a muscular body I turn around and I'm met with Jordan from earlier

"My bad wasn't looking where I was going" i say dusting myself off he looks me up and down and stops at my boobs "hey eyes up here" I snap my fingers in his face he smirks and looks back up at me

"You are a pretty little thing you know that." He says I smile

"I know." I smile he chuckles "mhm where are your friends?" I ask him he shrugs

"They went somewhere." He says uninterested about his friends "Is kian your boyfriend you guys tend to follow each other everywhere." He asks

I shrug "we are not people's person so we just stick to each other and we're bestfriend even though that's not your business." I retort and kian comes back and stands next to me "Well it was nice meeting you Jordan see you whenever" I say while waving and me and kian walk away.

And I feel his burning stare me and kian walk to his car which is in the front of the parking lot we get in and kian drives off.

Kian places a hand on my thigh and squeezes it "What were you guys talking about?" Kian asks

"I accidentally bumped into him and I had asked him where his other friends where at. Why?" I ask he shrugs "you know he's just like you Antisocial y'all should be friends great minds think alike." I say Kian chuckles and shakes his head

1 hour later we finally made it back to Kians place I decided to call Liam because I haven't talked to him since I moved

"Hello" he says

"Hi Liam long time no see" I say sheepishly

"Mm you moved onto better things and now you can't call me now." He says

"I know I'm sorry I've been moving to my new apartment and I had to go to the new college tour and I had to start looking for jobs and Shit but you know the phone works both ways." I say

"Mhm ok but how you doing you and kian finally together?." He asks

"Naw we waiting till after college but how you doing is you and your dude still together?" I ask him while I start making something to eat

"Yeah we still together it's about to be our 5 month anniversary." He says while I just grab a bag of Doritos

"Anniversaryyyy what you mean aren't you supposed to do it every year not every 5 months." I say sitting on the couch

"I know but still this our relationship." He says I smile

"Mhm looking at you being cute." I say gushing I hear him snort

Me and Liam talked in the phone for hours and hours just catching up for lost time it was absolutely refreshing to just talk to him and get shit off my shoulders cause knowing I don't have much friends so not a lot of people I can confide in.

Kian walks out from the room and sits down next to me on the couch and lays down and puts his head on my legs.

"I'm bored" he whines I play with his hair

"Me too you wanna go to that party Saturday?" I ask him he groans

"I hate going to parties you know that you have to talk to people and sweat and musk." He rambles I chuckle

"Yeah but it's the summer we're finally not highschoolers anymore." I say he sighs "We should go to the mall to find us an outfit for the party you need you a lady." I say he snorts

"I don't need a lady except for you princess." He says I smile I kiss his forehead

"Yeah but you never know." I try to reason with him he shakes his head

"Nah I'm good but we can still go though I'm just gonna keep an eye on you though but we can go to the mall tomorrow." He says wrapping his arms around my waist I nod

"Alright get up I want to cook some actually food." I say trying to push him off me he keeps his hold on my waist "Kiannnn" I whine

"Alright alright I'm getting up" he gets up an grabs my face and mushes it and runs away before I can get him
Thank you for reading my book and this new chapter hope you enjoyed it 💕


See you in the next chapter👋🏾

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