Chapter 20

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Go check out my new book called 'A love like no other' I haven't published any chapters yet I'm gonna wait until I'm almost done with that book.
5 months later

It's been 5 months since Christmas which means school is almost over yay. I know we have 2 weeks until school is over we've been doing testing since school is almost done.

Let me catch you up on things, me and kian have been just hanging out having sex here and there it's been good, me and kian are going to the same college instead of me going to a different one not to be clingy it's just I changed what I want my career job to be and since Kian is going to take over his dad business he's going to business school and I decided I wanted to own my own business as well, my parents have been thinking of me moving oh I'm almost forgot my birthday in December as well I'm officially 18 now.

My parents are discussing that I should be able to move out now since I'm 18 and I'm going away for college and since I have a car as well I don't know if I ever told y'all but we live In New York.

Well right now I'm at home talking with my parents about it.

"Since your 18 we might as well let you move out if you want." My mom says

"And you'll be going to college to business school." My dad says yeah I changed my mind at first I wanted to be a pediatrician but I changed my mind to own my own business

"The college you'll be going to is in the city of new York so we bought you a apartment there it's under your name so when it's time for you to go to college you'll be right there so you need to get packing miss thang." My mother says I squeal I hug my parents and kiss there cheeks and run upstairs "NO RUNNING IN MY HOUSE LITTLE GIRL!!" My mother yells

I walk to my room and call Kian as soon as possible he picks up on the first ring

"Hi, princess" he says smiling

"Hi bub I have amazing news." I say excitedly

"Wha-" I cut him off cause I'm to excited

"Since were going to the same college and all my parents thought it would be a good idea I get my own place so they bought me an apartment in the city of New York when we go down there for college." I ramble out

"Really you got a place finally I was getting tired of you here eating up all my snacks." He says playfully I roll my eyes

"Whatever you love me, but anyways I'm moving in this week I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a two bedroom, 2 bath apartment but I don't know it's gonna be so nice looking I can just see it now." I ramble while I start packing my stuff my parents told me I was gonna get a place when I go to college that's why I already have moving boxes but I didn't think it was gonna be this soon but I'm not complaining I'm pretty sure they want me out their house. *cue eye roll*

"Do you want me to come over to your house so I can help you pack?" He asks me

"Yes please" I say and he hangs up after we say goodbye to each other


it's been 3 hours since I have been packing my room I'm pretty much done with everything the moving trucks are outside we decided to rent one for me I've put everything in the truck.

"Princess you still have to pack your wigs and shit" Kian says from my bathroom yes kian is still here he's been wonderful help

"Yeah can you do it for me please." I ask him while I bring my boxes to the truck outside

"Alexis hurry up we have to leave to go to the apartment." My dad says I nod at him and bring my box outside to the truck we're moving me in today cause I was to excited to be moving I walk back inside the house and upstairs to my room

"Kian we gotta go." I inform him he nods and picks up my wig box and carries downstairs I look around wow my room is clear I walk out and close my bedroom door and walk downstairs to my car that Kian is in.

Thank you for reading my book and this new chapter hope you enjoyed it 💕


See you in the next chapter 👋🏾

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