Chapter 1

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4 years later

Today is the first of school at my new school well the new school I'm going to already started a month ago. So that's fun right now I'm gonna be a month behind work well I'll have 1 friend there his name is Liam he goes there so he'll be picking me up for school so I have to go get ready. Oh by the way I'm a senior

"ALEXIS GET YOUR BIG HEAD READY YOU HAVE SCHOOL IN 30 MINUTES!!!." My mother yells from downstairs I get up and head to the bathroom to do my morning duties like brush my teeth and wash my face and wash my ass, after I get out the shower I go back to my room and dry myself and put on my underwear and look for something to wear I didn't look the night before so I'll be wasting more time knowing my hair takes up most of my time after 5 minutes of looking I found my outfit gotta make sure I look good you never know who there.

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And that I put on my necklace that I got from my childhood friend i still miss him I wonder how he looks now cause I know I changed a lot when I was a kid I was kinda fat when I was little and now I have curves my booty is big but not to big and t...

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And that I put on my necklace that I got from my childhood friend i still miss him I wonder how he looks now cause I know I changed a lot when I was a kid I was kinda fat when I was little and now I have curves my booty is big but not to big and then my boobs are a b-cup I love my body and I'm a melanin queen I spray on some perfume and put deodorant on gotta smell good.

"ALEXIS DONT MAKE ME HAVE TO COME UP THERE!!." My momma yells again from down stairs

"She always yelling in this darn house like I'm sure the whole world could hear her." I say under my breath

"WHAT WAS THAT?" My momma yells how she heard me you know it's time for me to go I head downstairs and walk to the kitchen to get my snacks for school and sit down at the table and eat breakfast

"Hey ma where's dad?." I ask my momma While eating my pancakes

"He's already at work but he sends his love and kisses." My mama says from the kitchen

"Momma where's my shoes at!!?." My little sister yells yes I have a little sister she 12 and she always acting like she grown

"Girl you better stop that yelling in my house!! And your shoes are in my closet." My mama yells

"But mama you yell—." I got cut off by my momma

"Aht ion remember you paying the bills and don't you got school to go to." My mama says I just shake my head I get up and bring my plate to the sink and sit on the couch waiting for Liam

10 minutes later the door bell rings and Liam is outside I say by to my mom and little sister and head outside to liam's car I open the door and get in

"Good morning Liam." I say putting on the seatbelt

"Goodmorning my love." Liam says driving

"Anyways since it's my first day of school I need a run down of the school so I won't have to slap a bitch on the first day." I say to Liam and he chuckles

"Ok.. so first we have the wannabe meangirls those girls swear they run the school it's 3 of them we got Chloe the leader and her two sidekicks are crystal and kacy. Then we got the jocks steer clear of them they always trynna get the new meat then we have the nerds then the fit ins that try to be popular then we have Kian black he's the schools bad boy he stays by himself but everybody wants a piece of him he is the definition of fine hunny. Chloe swears that's her boyfriend he's kinda of a fuck boy but he doesn't associate with anyone so yeah that's the people at the school." Liam says as we pull up to the school he parks the car and we head out to the school.


Thank you for reading my first chapter of my first book💕 I just decided to put these things at the bottom of the chapter cause I ain't finna leave y'all hanging with no thank you

See you next chapter 👋🏾(or not hehehe)

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