Chapter 15

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It's been 2 months since the date and when Kian said there will be more to come there was we went on so many dates once a week kian and me went on a date it's was absolutely the best we got to know each other on a deeper level. You might be like why hasn't he asked you to be his girlfriend yet well we wanted to wait until we were done with college cause we both are going to different colleges well not out of the state but like there far from each other so we decided to wait cause you never know we might find someone different for us which I doubt because we are very antisocial.

Currently we're at school and I'm in my last period which is a free period I'm walking down the hall you might be like why you ain't go home well Liam dosent want to give me his keys so I can drive home YES I still don't have a car but that's not the point. I'm walking down the hall minding my business until I hear voices me being nosy I follow it and I see Kian and Chloe talking.

"You know Kian ever since the time we had sex I've caught feelings for you and I know you don't like that black bitch so what do you say." She says trailing her fingers up and down his arm but Kian pushes her hand off

"Nah I'm good what we did was a one time thing." Kian says but Chloe obviously dosent listen and she puts her hand on his chest Do I really have to go over there and smack a b*tch.

"Yeah but what abut we do it again I know you haven't had sex ever since the bitch came to our school." She says I roll my eyes Kian grabs her arm and pushes it off him

"Like I said what we did was a one time thing we had sex once and it wasn't that good say one more thing about my princess and I will gladly show you how I am stop worrying about my life and go get your own." Kian says that's my man. He walks off to my direction but I run fast asf so he won't catch up to me but he catches up to me

"Princess wait!!" Kian yells from down the hall I turn around to face Kian I raise a brow at him

"Yes kian" I say with one of my hands across my chest and the other on my hip

"Um it was not what it looked like ok princess" he says I roll my eyes

"I know Kian I was there the whole time no need to panic" I say he releases a breath

"Alright.... Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house today so we can bake cookies I bought some yesterday" he says while blushing "we could make ice cream sundaes" he says rambling

"Yeah Kian I'll come over but I have to tell my mom first" I say to him as we start walking to my class

"Do you want to stay over at my place for the rest of the week and on Saturday we could go Christmas shopping" he says ( if you guys don't know Kian lives by himself in his own penthouse his parents trust him to live on his own but it's in his parents name until he finishes school which is in a couple of months)

"Sure Kian I'll have to go home first after school to pack." I say we reach my classroom and we hug and say our goodbyes and I walk into my class


it's after school and I'm waiting for Kian so we can go to my house so I can pack for his house this week since I still don't have a car ughh but it's ok my birthday is coming up after Christmas which is December 27 I finally see Kian walking towards me he smiles when he see me Gosh I love his smile it's makes me all warm inside

"Hey kian." I say hugging him he hugs me back

"Hey princess ready to go?" He asks me I nod and we start walking to his car we get in and I pull the aux cord in and play some: dead man walking by ;Brent faiyaz

🎶drop the roof and let the smoke clear
I got diamonds doin 'tooise slides in both ears
Dice rollin on the Las Vegas strip tonight
Slip that on and we might miss the flight
F*ck a knot I keep the guala in my shorty bag
You know she one of mine when she tattoo that a**🎶

I was singing on top of my Lungs until kian turn off the radio I snapped my head to him so quick how dare be turn off my music

"What the heck kian." I say irritated he rolls his eyes

"Don't what the heck me you sound horrible and I'm trynna concentrate on the road" he says I roll my eyes after about 10 minutes of being on the road  we finally got to my house I got out and headed to the door with Kian following behind

"Mother I'm home!!" I yell while walking into the house I put my stuff down and walk to the kitchen where my mother is

"STOP THAT YELLING IN MY HOUSE!!" She yells from the kitchen I roll my eyes

"Hello Mrs. Winston" Kian says to my mother

"Hello Kian how you been doing these days and your parents?" She asks him

"We've all being doing good thank you" Kian says and we walk to my room finally I put my backpack down and go to my closet and pull out my duffel bag and start packing my clothes, my toiletries, my hair products, and shoes after about 30 minutes of packing I'm done

"Alright I'm done Kian can you bring this to the car." I ask him he nods and grabs my bag and heads to his car I walk downstairs to my mom and tell her I'm staying at Kian house for the rest of the week and I'm coming for Christmas

"Alright be safe and wear protection." She says

"Mom!! Seriously" I say embarrassed she rolls her eyes

"Girl please I see the way he looks at you." I roll my eyes "don't roll your eyes at me I ought slap you." She says I run out the house to Kians car I hop in and we drive to his place I text Liam to tell him where I'm finna be at for the week and for him to not pick me up for school.

Me: hey Liam

Bestie🌈: yes my love

Me: I'm not gonna be home for the rest of the week so you don't have to pick me up for school.

Bestie🌈: who house you going to? Why wasn't I informed I should slap you silly

Me: boy now is not the time🤚🏾...I'm staying at Kian's I'm staying there and then Christmas I'm coming back

Bestie🌈: mhmm ok.. make sure to use protection don't want no kids right now 👶🏽

Me: mhm don't play.. anyways see you later my love

He says bye and all that texting and we're here at Kians place I hop out and grab my bag and we walk inside the place and to the elevator and go up to his place.
Thank you all for reading my book and this new chapter hope you enjoyed it 💕


See you in the next chapter 👋🏾

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