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When the ride came to a halt at the starting point, I had my hands dug up on the seats and I'm pretty sure I left finger marks on the seats, my shirt was riding up and my hair disheveled, my eyes and mouth open wide in fear. I was frozen to my seat as my mind replayed those terrifying moments of going up and down, sideways, up ways and which ever way it went.

I could hear someone telling us to get up but, I just sat still, frozen onto my seat. I was finally brought back into reality when I saw a light flashing in my face, I blinked a few times to get my eyes to focus, when my sight seemed clear enough, I looked in front of me to see a bemused Matt, a huge smirk playing on his lips, pointing his phones camera at me. His grin widening when he saw me paying attention to him.

"Oh, this is so going to be on the school website tomorrow." He said amusement lacing his tone.

I stared at him in confusion and he turned his phone screen to me to show me a picture of me from just a second ago and I LOOKED TERRIBLE, I look like I got a visit from the boogy monster. My face immediately turned into a scowl and I balled my hands into fists. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER!" I exclaimed running after him as he took off on run to get away from me.

I chased him all the way to the ticket gate, we circled around the guy at the gate, who in return, looked at us like we were nuts.

I finally caught him as he ran to the bench were he and papa where seated at when we left to go on the ride, I pulled him against me as we wrestled for the the phone, I jabbed him in the ribs which caused him to double over, I took that to my advantage and snatched the phone from his hand. I sighed in victory as I quickly deleted the stupid photo from his phone.

I handed him the phone and immidietly frowned at the smirk he hand on his face. "What's the use I already sent it to Garret and he forwarded it to Gary Tanner, and half the football team, so expect your face to be on the very front page of the school website." He said smugly.

I gulped and silently praid to the Lord that the football team would not forward that photo to anyone else but, then again, Garret did forward it to Gary Tanner, man that dude can tattle like a last born on a first born, he's spread so many truths around the school, you wouldn't believe it and that's what they are, truths, he never spreads lies and I'm worried about what that picture would mean for me, endless months of teasing from the dudes on the football team, months of memes on instagram about me, I don't know, all I know is that damn photo is probably the end of me.

I turn to look behind me as I hear papa's voice and what I saw was horrid, it was my dad and he looked worse than me. His hair was everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE, his clothes were wrinkled and his eyes where wide open in fear, he was sort of limping and mumbling nonsense about how high the ride was and how fast and how he saw his life flash before his eyes, it was honestly funny and it was extremely hard to hold in the laugh crawling up my throat and Matt wasn't any better, my dad can really be over dramatic sometimes and as the good husband he was, while dad was physically shaking, papa was at his side mumbling things in his ear and cooing him while holding his hand.

Matt finally lost it and burst out laughing, I hit him in the stomach with back of my hand and gave him a pointed look.

"Hipocrite." He mumbled under his breath. I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment.

Dad and papa approached us and the latter had a small smug grin on his face and I knew he was about to say 'I told you so', it was written all over his face. When they reached us papa's grin turned into a teasing smirk. "So...I'm not going to say what I want to say, since ya'll already know what it is that I want to say." He said smugly, looking at me in amusement. I scowled at him and his smirk widened. He chuckled and patted my head which was a bit of a reach for him and turned to look at his husband in concern and a little bit of amusement, before to address both me and Matt. "Okey, time to go home. I think your father has had enough for one day." He said trying to hide his smile but, failing miserably. The mention of going home imidietly brighten my mood, I was going to see Aiden, my eyes widened for a sec as I thought about what that thought meant.

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