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Aiden's POV

Yesterday, Skylar asked me out on a date. What ever that is. It seemed to be a very big deal, considering when I told Matt and Quincy that, that was the reason I couldn't do movie night, they got all exited, saying that I needed to look good and that i should fix my mop of hair.

Let me just say that my hair is not moppy, it's just messy.

But since they were so exited about it, I let them help me get ready for the date and plus they probably know better than me at this.

So right now we're in me and Skylar's room, with Matt and Quincy looking through our closet for what to wear. Thank god Sky took me shopping a few weeks ago, so I have a verity of clothes. If only Matt and Quincy could just pick one outfit.

"Just pick one already." I murmur, as I sit on the edge of my bed watching, as they both raid my closet, throwing pieces of clothing on the floor.

"Uh-huh!" They both yell at the same time, I roll my eyes and stand up, walking over to them.

"Great. Now will you give me the clothes so that can get ready please." They roll their eyes at me, but still give me the outfit.

I grab the clothes and enter the bathroom to get dressed.

I've got to admit, the outfit is cute. Some black jeans that are ripped at the knees and thighs, a plain white t-shirt that hugs my thin frame, and a black denim jacket that's also ripped in various places, they topped the look off with white Nike sneakers.

I really hope that Skylar likes how I look and I can't help but wonder what he looks like, I'm sure he looks good as always. He decided to get ready for the date with Garret, I don't know why, I tried to ask what we're doing for the date, but he didn't tell me and when I complained about it to Matt, he said that that's just how the date is supposed to go, apparently I'm not suppose to know to which I told him is stupid, I mean, I must know where I'm going shouldn't I.

If you ask me, I wouldn't want to go on some date that I haven't an I idea of what's going to happen, but no matter what I said, Sky wouldn't tell me, so I decided to let him be and just get ready besides, I would see were doing tonight wouldn't i.

After putting on the outfit, Matt and Quincy did my hair and after that, i sprayed on some perfume.

And now here we are, in the living room, waiting for Skylar to come and get me. If I were to say that I'm not nervous at all, it would be a lie, I'm practically shaking at the seams. I know that I've spent time with Skylar just the two of us before, heck we make out every other day, it's just that Matt said that a date is the most important part of a relationship. Apparently this part decides the future of the relationship and that just made me even more nervous than I already was at the beginning of the day.

The door bell ringing has me snapping out of my thoughts.

Matt and Quincy smirk as we all stand, they walk ahead if me as we make our way towards to door. Quincy opens the door, revealing a smiling Skylar, standing with a big bouquet of blood red roses.

He looks so cute standing there and if possible, he seemed a bit more nervous than I was and it made me settle a little that he's also just as nervous about this as I am.

"Uh-can I see my date now?" Skylar asks after Matt and Quincy were done relaying the rules of tonight.

Not that we'd follow them anyway.

They both look at the other, before nodding and stepping out of the way, making me visible to Skylar.

When he saw me, he sucked in a breath and I couldn't help but blush as his eyes scanned over my body. I also couldn't help but to also run my eyes over his body. He looked hot.

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