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Skylar's POV

I sighed as I pulled myself away from him. It's been so long since I've gotten to touch him, look at him, or even smell him, as weird as it sounds.

But I'm just so happy that he's here with me.

I bring my head closer to his and lean my forehead against his. "I've missed like crazy baby." I state. He giggles and leans his hands flat against my chest, as I wrap my hands around his waist to bring him closer to me.

"I know." He says with a sigh. "I've missed you like crazy too."

"Uh-i'm sorry to burst your moment, but-ah, I haven't seen my best friend in over three months and I would really love to hug him right now." Interrupts Matt.

Aiden giggles and untangle's himself from me, making his way over to Matt. "Don't worry, Matty, I would never forget my favourite narcissist in the entire world." He says, trapping Matt in a hug.

I smile as I watch them, though my smile soon turns into a frown as I really watch them. Aidens lower abdomin is not pressed up to Matt. In fact it looks like Aidens going out of his way to avoid completely hugging Matt and it looks like I'm not the only one who noticed, Matt has a frown on his face as he makes eye contact with me, I just shrug at him, showing him I have no idea what's going on either. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to find out.

After hugging Matt, Aiden goes and hugs Casey, they both greet each other and then papa announces that dinner is ready and we all make our way to the dining room and settle down for dinner.

Papa and Aiden disappear into the kitchen for a while, probably to put finishing touches to the food and the rest of us talk amongst ourself's.

I feel proud to say that the smile on my face hasn't slipped off not even once, I'm just so exited to have my baby back and I really can't wait until we're alone without anyone to disturb us. I had to hold my self back from kissing him earlier, because I knew that if I started, I wouldn't be able to stop and boy when we get upstairs I don't intend to.

But for now, it's not the time for those thoughts. It's time to enjoy a lovely dinner with my family. It's crazy how our family has gained more members to it and to be honest, I love it better this way. With Aiden, Liam, Spencer , Casey, Matt, my parents and I, it seems more like a family than it did before and I wouldn't have any other way.

Papa and Aiden come into the dining room carrying plates and pans of food, that I could already tell tastes amazing.

Another frown makes its way onto my face as I watch Aiden again. This time, it's even more concerning, he's wearing a large over sized hoodie and even if it's almost 8 o'clock night, it's so hot, you could cook an egg on the side walk and he seems so bothered by it, but makes no move to get it off.

"Hey Aide." I say once he's seated on his rightful place beside me. "Why don't you take off the hoodie, you look like your about to burst from the heat."

He strains a smile. "No, I'm good."

"You sure?" He nods his head and goes back to making up a plate for me.

I stare at him for the entire dinner and it seems as though nothing serious is going on, but I did notice some things that are different. Like he would always put his hand over his stomach for a few seconds, then retract his hand, as if remembering that he's not supposed to do that and he also has this glow to him, like he seems even more brighter and whenever he would catch my eye he would give me this look that seemed like he knew that he was hiding something, then he would squeeze my hand as if to tell me he would tell me, he would tell me later and that was all I needed to reassure myself and actually start to engage in conversation with Liam rather than stalking my long lost boyfriend.

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