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Aidens POV

I wake up to the feeling of someone running their hands on my back, I groan as I try to open my tired eyes. When I finally open my eyes, I'm faced with a naked chest, I'm not spooked, since I know that Skylar couldn't be bothered to put on a shirt every time he goes to bed. I look up at his face and I'm met with his stunningly beautiful smile.

"Good morning love." He says, giving me a kiss on my fore head. "Are you okey?" He asks making me furrow my brows.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, aren't you sore?"

"Why would I be...sore?" I groan, as all the memories of last night came back to me, I also remember all the rounds that we did after the first one and how I couldn't be bothered to think of the consiquences of that until now. "I'm going to be walking like a kangaroo." I say, making him chuckle.

"It's not that bad." I give him a look.

"Your one to talk. You won't have to walk into meetings to today with everyone knowing that what had transpired last night." He just chuckles, making me glare at him. "Why are you laughing? You did this to me!"

He chuckles harder. "Guilty as charged." I huff, as I make a move to get up, which was the biggest mistake of my life, because as soon as I sit up, my back starts ache.

"Oww." I touch my lower back trying to massage it.

Skylar quickly comes to my side a look of worry on his face. "Aid, are you okey?"

"Does it look like I am?" I ask, through gritted teeth. He stands up and goes into the bathroom, coming back with Advil and a glass of water.

"Here drink this, I think it might help." He hands me the water and the pill and I waste no time in taking the pill into my mouth and swallowing it down with the help of water.
"Do you want me to carry you into the shower?" I nod my head and he carefully picks me up and walks to the bathroom, it is then that I notice, that we're both butt naked, but I couldn't find in me to care, after all we became one with each other last night.

He sets me down on the counter and goes to start the shower, he comes to stand in between my legs as we wait for the water to reach the right temperature.

He kisses me up my chest to my neck, then to my jaw, then finally, my lips. I kissed back with as much vigor as him, our lips moving together in sync, our tongues clashing together in a passionate embrace, but never do we fight for dominance, we just enjoy the love that we provide for the other, our warmth radiating off our bodies to the other, when we pulled away, we let our lips linger on each others, as our foreheads rested upon the others.

"I'm sorry I was rough last night." He says, I shake my head and kiss his forehead.

"It's okey Sky, I wanted it that way, if you don't remember." He grins at me.

"Oh, I remember. You were all like Skylar, Skylar, faster sky, ahh more, harder-" I cover his mouth with my hand, my face probably beet red and my eyes purple.

"Shut up." He shrugs, I sigh as I take my hands off his face.

"It's what you said though." He said giving me kiss that instantly shuts me up, I hate how I become putty in his hands, the instant he touches me. He runs his tongue across the top of my mouth before speaking in between kisses. "And...I can't...wait...until...I get to...hear you say...those lude things...to me again." I roll my eyes pushing him away and stepping into the shower.

I can't help but sigh as the water relaxes my muscles, I just stand in under the spray for a while, before I get confused at why I can't feel a presence beside me. I turn to find Skylar staring intently at something, that something being my ass. I roll my eyes. "Didn't get enough of it last night?" I ask my brow raised.

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