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Skylar's soccer uniform^^^;)

Aidens POV

"Well." Matt says as he turns away from the retreating forms of Skylar and Casey. "Since my idiot brother has taken my boyfriend, we have nothing left to do, apart from going to class." I nod my head and follow him as he goes down the hall and towards our classroom.

I've been on earth for two days now, which on my planet two days is like three months, hence why I'm so antsy about finding spare parts for my space ship. That is if I can even find spare parts, goddess knows how I'm going to find spare parts to a vehicle that doesn't even exist on this planet.

We turn into a classroom and go over to the back where we take our seats, with Matt on my right by the window. No sooner had we sat down, than a boy with brown skin and curly hair turns to face in our direction.

"New boyfriend?" He directs the question to Matt, who in turn just rolls his eyes.

"Alien, actually." He says in a bored tone. The boy nods and looks at me.

"Hey." He greets with a nod, I make a peace sign- (another thing that i learned from skylar's phone.)- to which causes him to grin. "Names Quincy"

"Aiden." I say, we shake hands and talk a little bit about my planet. I don't know why Matt directly told him that I was not from this planet, but he seems to trust him so, what the heck.

As the teacher walks in, the rest of the class quiets down and so do we. Quincy turns to the front of the class as the teacher starts to explain today's lesson.

As the teacher begins to explain things that I already know, I let my mind wonder on the one thing that has occupied most of my thoughts since the first day that I layed eyes on it.

Skylar Jackson.

I knew he was my mate the moment that I woke up on his bed, the first morning I got here.

I could tell he is very confused as to why he has all these feelings about me or the pull he feels to me and I can't blame him the pull is very strong especially with me being the crowned prince, the pull is stronger between us, as we are supposedly destined to be the rulers of my Kingdom, I'm also not so innocent when it comes to the pull, I mean, I could bearly control myself when I'm around him or when he comes close to me or even touches me, my whole body shivers and my stupid eyes turn pink. It's embarrassing to say the least.

I still don't know how I'm even going to tell him that he and I are mates, I mean how do you even go about that conversation.

'Hey Skylar, you and i are mates and we were destined by the God's of Jupiter to be together forever, so what do you say we hop on my space ship, journey to my planet, get married, fuck like bunnies and have a dozen and one kids' yeah I don't think so.

I sigh out loud, dropping my head onto the desk, earning a 'the fuck' look from Matt, I just wave him off and focus my attention to the front of the class where the teacher is talking about the solar system. I roll my eyes at all this, I don't know why I even have to attend school or this class really, I know all about the solar system. In fact me and my older brother Caleb have raced around the milky way a few times.

Ah the good ol days.


I jump as the bell goes off signifying the end of this class, which is an ultimate blessing for me, because I thought i was going to die in here.

I sigh as i stand up from my seat and slowly start to pack up my books, waiting as the sea of students shove each other through the door and when I'm one of the last people to remain in the class, I pick up my bag and walk to the door where I'm faced with the ever smiling Casey.

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