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I get to the ship thingy that's wedged between two trees and advance up a brunch. The thing is stuck in there pretty good and brunches are sticking out left and right.

I make it to the front and can see a suillouate of a man or a person. Wait a person.

I let out an exasperated sigh. "OKEY!!" I shout to no one in particular. "If this is some lame joke...and you." I say pointing a finger at the guy in the ship. "Are some friend of Matt's I'm so going to kill you all for this." I pause to look at my surroundings and listen in for something.

"NO!" I yell when i don't see or hear anything. "Okey. so you really are a damsel in distress."

More fire ascends to the back of the ship and I waste no time in trying to pry the door to the side open, but no matter what I try, it won't open, so I go for the first idea that pops into my head.

I go back down to the ground, get a wooden plank and climb back up the branch. I brake the window and climb through, I get to the passengers side- if you'd even call it that- and reach over to undo the seat belt of the most beautiful boy I've ever seen.

"How come you're human?" I ask no one in particular. I shake my head and pry the beautiful boy out of the seat belt.

I manage to get him out of the ship and on to the ground. I turn around and look at the space ship to find that all the flames were put out and it was totally normal, we'll as normal as an alien space ship could get anyway.

I look at the boy and go to check if he's breathing, I consider doing mouth to mouth resesitation or something, but think better of it once I realise that he might have a different respiratory system than us humans so I just get his frail but too frail body on my shoulder and carry him into the house.

Once I reach the door to my room, I hear a someone call me from across the hall. "Sky." I turn to see Matt with a flashlight I his hands. "What are you doing up at 11pm." He asks me like I'm crazy for sneaking around at this time of day, carrying around a body on my shoulder. He passes his attention to the laggauge on my shoulder. "And what or who is that on your shoulder?"

"I'll explain later, just help me open the door." I say in a strained voice. This boys heavier than I thought. Matt sighs in annoyance, but still does what he's been told.

Once he opens the door, I waste no time in running- okey not running more like fast walking- to my bed to lay him down.

Once I lay him down I stretch my back. "Okey, so why are you walking around in the night with an incredibly gorgeous boy on your shoulder?" Matt asks.

"I don't know anymore to be honest." I say bending over to catch my breath. "But you do me a favour and get the first aid box to clean his wounds."

"Okey." Matt says rolling his eyes. "Be right back."

Once I've caught my breath, I decide to finish helping the little alien, freak model I just found, so I get a small pair of sweatpants, well small on me, and an old band t- shirt and a wash cloth and basin of water from my bathroom.

I unzip his really cool and probably very tight, leather jacket and his pants and get him dressed in my clothes. I wipe all the grazes and scratches on his arms, legs and face.

"Here." Matt says, handing me the first aid box.

"Thanks." I say grabbing the box and taking out some anti-ceptic liquid and some cotton wool then apply it on the cuts and grazes on his neck.

"Okey." Matt says in frustration. "Who is this guy? How did he get hurt? And why was he wearing some kind of space suit that looks like it came from an episode of duck dodgers?"

I stand up, close the box and turn to my very annoying little brother. "I don't know who this guy is, I found him in our backyard in a space ship that fell from outerspace and I don't know why he was wearing what he was wearing, it must be some alien space thingy suit." I sigh and walk over to my floor to ceiling windows.

"Okey....I swear I told dad's that this obsession of yours would sooner turn you crazy. I guess I was right."

I draw the curtains back and point for him to look out the windows. "Look, I'm not crazy and it's not an obsession."

Okey so when I was a kid, I used to be quite the lover of aliens and still am, they're just so cool and i used to want to be an astronot so that I could travel to outerspace and kick some evil alien butt, with the help of my alien side kick, but as I got older I realised that was a little far fetched, okey so a lot far fetched, but it was nice to dream, but even though I'm not as involved in alien phenomena as I was before dose not mean that I don't think they're cool anymore, I still think they're awesome. Though, only a select few know about this, which includes my family and best friends.

Matt scoffs. "Yeah keep telling your self that." He says as he walks to the window and leans out to look at our backyard. "Holy shit."

"Mmhm." I say leaning out to look as well. "Who's crazy now?"

"Us, that's for sure." Matt says in a daze. "I think I'm also seeing things."

I roll my eyes and walk back to my bed. "Yeah, your not seeing things... although I'll be honest, i wish we were seeing things cause how are we going to explain that thing in the backyard."

"Uh, we don't have to."

"What do you mean?" I walk over to the window to see the space ship gone and everything looking normal. "Uh- where the fuck did everything go?" I ask in a bit of panic.

Matt just shrugs his shoulders. "It all just cloaked up to hide everything." He says nonchalantly.

"You think he had something to do with it?" I ask turning to look at wounder boy.

Probably, but who cares. This just means less work on our part, we should probably wait until morning to find out more though." Matt says going to the door. "We do have school in the morning, so we should get some rest." I nod my head.

"Fine. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Roger."

When he's gone I turn to my bed and climb in the covers, making sure to leave as much space between me and sparky boy, I shut my eyes and go to sleep.



I wake up to my annoying alarm clock blaring at me to get up. I reach over my bed side table and turn it off. What's even worse is I don't remember getting an alarm.

I sigh as the noise is finally gone and cover my head with my blanket and go to turn around to my side, but something bocks me. I remove the blanket off my head and turn my head to look at what was blocking me from turning in my own bed.

I'm met with the most beautiful gold eyes, and suddenly all the events of last night are replayed in my head and I jump out of bed but land on my back as my feet where tangled in the bedsheets.

"Shit." I hiss in pain.

"Oh good." Says the alien creature as he pops his head out the side of my bed to look down at me. "Your awake. Now, as the popular over said phrase that your spesies has come accustomed to our higher being would say." He pauses as he tilts his head to the side as if scrutinising me. "Take me to your leader."


Hello my lovelies,

Sorry that this chapters a little short hope it was good though.


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