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Aidens POV

To say my family was shocked when I came home with Sky, is an understatement. They were shook, when I introduced him as my mate, but after the shock wore off, they all gave him a chance and after a few days, he won the hearts of most my family members.

Of course there are still those who are skeptical about him, but I couldn't be bothered to even give enough shit to care, my mate came home with me and that's all I care about, that I get to be with him from now until they end, that's all there is to care about.

Liam was right. The kindom was in shumbles without me there and I of course had to fix it, I'm not king yet, but I am crowned prince, so I have to a duty with my kingdom and i was also very happy to be back, but with being back came at a price, I was awful busy and couldn't spend time with Skylar and our friends and show them around, so I left them in the care of Liam, he would show them around and let Skylar get used to the kingdom.

The people in the kingdom already know about Skylar and I can tell some are a bit opposed to him being here, but the rest were over joyed that I have found a king to rule by my side.

Skylar has already started his training with my mother, who had taken a liking to Skylar the moment she met him, said he reminded her of my father. I was just happy that she liked him, her approval was the most important one of all my family and the fact that she likes him takes a lot of weight off my shoulder.

I sigh as I pick up the thirteenth treaty that I have to sign, I have about twenty more to look through and then I'm done for the day.

It's, 5:02pm and I haven't seen Skylar at all since breakfast, I just hope he had a great day, I had instructed Liam to take them to a few of the amusement parks around here and before you ask, yes, we do have amusement parks here, they're just more advanced than the ones on earth.

I really can't wait for tomorrow though. Tomorrow is my day off and I planned to do something with Sky, show him some of my favourite things to do here. We've been here for about two weeks and I haven't gotten to spend some quality time with him and if I'm being honest, I miss him.

But i also have responsibilities with the people of this kingdom and through the time that I've been gone their have been some problems that need my attention and I have to get them done.


Two hours and twenty more documents later, I'm finally free to go home and rest.

When we first got here, I didn't like that my family was keeping tabs on Sylar and everybody else, so I moved us to a separate house in the community of the castle. It's better there and there's no one that will be keeping an eye on my friends, twenty four seven.

Though the bad side of it, is that my office is inside the castle, so I have to walk back and forth to the castle and the house.

So after twenty minutes of walking and stopping to talk to people, I'm finally at the house.

I open the door, making sure to close it behind me and I walk into the kitchen where I find everyone seated, waiting on Casey to finish cooking dinner.

"Hey." I say, as I take a seat at the dinner table.

"Hey babe." Sky says, placing a kiss to my cheek. "How was being king?" He puts a glass of orange juice in front of me and I waste no time in downing it.

"The usual." I say, after I taking a large gulp of the juice.

He raises a brow. "What do you mean by 'the usual'? What did you do? Oh, did you build homes for the homeless or donate to some charity?"

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