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Matt's POV

We were panicking.

We are leaving in the next hour and we can't leave cadet porky over here alone, Lord knows what he might get into. Were afraid he might ran away and end up road kill.

Right now, we're in skylar's room, pacing up and down tying to find a solution.


We're in Skylar's room, with skylar's pacing the walls like a mad man, trying to come with an idea of what to do with the alien prince, while I'm seated at his desk with a bored look on my face.

"What are we going to do?" Sky asks pacing up and down in the middle of the room. While Aiden is on the center of the bed with Sky's laptop in his lap and I in his desk chair playing with a rubus cube, pretending not to be worried and acting chill as always meanwhile I'm just as panicked as he is. Maybe even more.

What? Someone has to keep it together for that numskulls sake.

"I don't know." I say the same sentence I've been saying for the past fifteen minutes.

"What do you mean you don't know? How can you not know? You have to know something." He says accusingly. I roll my eyes as I continue to play with the cube in my hands. "Dad's are gonna be back to get us in an hour and we don't even know how were going to keep him here so that he doesn't cause trouble, we haven't even thought of anything...well I haven't come up with anything good and I doubt you have thought of anything or have been paying attention to-" I stop listening to his rant and start brain storming.

How are we even going to make sure he stays here and doesn't run away to God knows where.

As I keep thinking about this and ignoring my idiot of a brother's stupid ranting, I can't help but realize how fucked up this situation really is.

I mean really.

My brother and I find this weird alien boy prince in the middle of our backyard and now we're the ones responsible for the well being and safety of said prince.

UGGGHH!!! Oh my God.

See?...see? This is why I don't help people. Being an asshole comes in handy sometimes. when people want your help, just throw in a comment about some random shit abot them and BOOM!, they will never ask for your help ever again.

Probably why I don't have a lot of friends...nah, I'm getting off corse. Now, What was I talking about again? Ahh the alien prince. Now what are we going to do about him.

We can't just leave him here alone, unsupervised, neither can we take him with us, dads are gonna think it's weird and a little rude.

But there's also no one that's going to babysit some sixteen year old genius that's lost, and he's pretty annoying. We need someone just as smart and more importantly equally annoying as he is but, where on earth are we- wait a minute. Idea.

My face automatically spreads into a grin as the perfect t person comes to mind.

"Bro" I call yo Sky. He stops his pacing to look at me.

"Yeah?" He looks at me skepticaly. "What's up with you? Are you sick? Why are you smiling?" He asks, looking at me weirdly.

"I just thought of the perfect person to watch Jimmy Neutron over there." I say pointing at Aiden, who's in his own little bubble with Sky's earphones in his ears listening to God knows what.

Sky looks at me anxiously which causes me to grin wider. "Well? Who is it?"

"You'll see when he gets here." I say as I get out my phone to call him.

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