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I got to school on time this morning -which if you're me is a very big achievement, considering I don't make it on time to be early for second period -but today, I don't know what it was that made me get up at 7:00 am in the morning. Yeah, I know what you're thinking

That early.

Granted I was still late, but being a normal eighteen year old, who has all the healthy tendencies of a normal teenager, means that I go to bed roughly about 2am due to the incestant insomnia that I face each day.

So on account of my normal wake up time, which is about 8:55am or 9:10am, today was a pretty good day.

I sigh as I step out of second period (which on a normal day, would be my first period of the day ) I make my way to my locker and start to take out the books I need for my next period.

I'm almost done getting my books out, when a hand slams my locker shut, the loud noise making me jump back. When I look at the culprit, I can't help but roll my eyes.

"What do you want Cass?" I ask, a bit irritated.

She leans on the locker next to mine, poping her hip out a little, as I walk over to open mine again.

"I'm having a party tonight. 5you should come." She says, a flirtatious smile on her porcelain face as she twirls a strand of her blonde hair between her fingers.

I roll my eyes and turn to busy myself with looking for a pencil. "No can do Cass. My parents are coming home tonight and I kinda wanna spend time with them." I turn to her and throw her an apologetic smile. "I'm gonna have to pass."

She huffs, and she steps away from the locker, hiking her backpack higher on her shoulder. "Awe, too bad babe. Anyway, tell your parents I say hi." She smiles sweetly, placing a kiss to my cheek before turning amd walk off down the hall.

Just as she turns the corner, a familiar, blonde haired girl walk towards me with a scowl present on her flawless face. "Please don't tell me you're back together again?" She asks, a sour look on her face.

I shake my head as I close my locker shut. "Not at all. I don't know what is going through her head though." I sigh, shaking my head slightly.

Cassandra and I broke up at the beginning of the semester, but she's still got it in her head that she and I will get back together. It's just her delusions though, the sex wasn't even that great, so I don't think she and I will have a second chance.

Lily breaths a sigh of relief. "Thank God! I don't think I can survive with you two having sex twenty four seven again." She scrunches her face in disgust.

I scowl at her. "Hey! The only reason we had sex all the time was because I was convinced that if we did it a lot, one of those times it might've gotten better!" I said defensively, making her snicker.

"Yeah and all you succeeded in doing was getting herpes." She joked. Or at least, I think she did.

I gaped at the person I call my best freind, my eyes wide in shock. "I do not have herpes! Would you stop saying that someone might hear you!" I wisper yelled, looking around just to make sure. These gossip hungry people can take any information wether true or false and spread it so fast that it'll be a wildfire.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Oh please, you're Skyler Jackson, doesn't matter wether you have Covid, the entire student body of this school would still want to fuck you."

My face scrunched up at her words. "Ew."

She scoffs. "Oh please! don't pretend as if you wouldn't love it." I shake my head as I snap the lock on my locker.

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