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East Ridge high school^^^

We get out of the limo and I immidietly see people looking over at us. I mentally sigh, people at this school just can't mind their own business, it's only a matter of time before the sparkly dressed, glitter covered, reporter girl, who writes the school news paper comes over to interview 'the new kid', which would mean that by lunch everyone in the school would know of Aidens arrival.

I sigh as we all make our way inside the torture chamber we call school.

Once inside, we rush quickly to get Aidens schedule. Once gotten, we move through the hall way in search of his locker. Thankfully his locker is in between mine and Casey's.

"Okey." I say as I turn to address both Matt and Casey. "So, all we need to focus on is making sure he stays here and safe inside the building. There are some of the security guards dad and papa asighned to watch us at the gate, and I gave them a pic of Aiden, so we don't have to worry about him getting further ouside the school without us being informed and I don't think he's dumb enough to wonder alone outside the building but, he is dumb enough to want to explore it, so we just have to make sure we are with him at all times." I rush out to them and i can't help but sigh, it seemed a lot easier in my head than said out loud and I just can't help but pray that it doesn't seem to be as difficult of a task as it sounds.

"Okey. And how are we gonna do that? The staying with him at all times thing." Matt asks, a weary look on his face.

"I've got that covered. We have seven periods of classes in a day and I already looked at his schedule and he has his first three classes with you Matt, so we don't have worry about those. Matt you just make sure to keep an eye on him at those times and after the third period is done you'll make sure he gets to his fourth. Casey you'll be at his class by the end of his fourth period to get him to lunch, we can all watch him then, since we have the same lunch period and after lunch you'll take him to his fifth period and I'll go get him at the end of his fifth, to take him to his sixth and at the end of his sixth, Casey you'll get him and take him to his seventh and at the end of his seventh, I'll be there to get him and take him to the football field and he'll wait with Matt as we finish practice." I finish with a sigh. I guess I spoke too soon about the it not being very difficult thing cause, as I lay out the plan, I can't help but grimance at all of it. It's going to be hard work but, the heavens gave us this alien prince for a reason, so it's probably our job to protect him. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself to keep me motivated.

"Okey, so we all agree?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah. We agree." Matt says rolling his eyes.

I nod my head. "Okey." I say just as my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out and see a text from one of my team mates. "Yo, Casey were supposed to meet up with coach in thirty minutes." He nods his head absent-mindedly, while looking through his locker. "Oh. I almost forgot. Aiden here." I hand him a new phone. "This has me, Casey, Matt and my parents phone numbers in it. You call any one of them just in case something happens. Alright?" He nods his head looking down at the phone.

"Okey, so you go to this application here and tap anyone of these names to make the ca-" He covers my mouth with his hand to make me stop talking, a shiver runs up my spine when I feel the sparks that come from his skin touching mine and it's seems he also feels the same thing, because he immidietly takes his hand back as if he had just been burnt.

"I-I a-already know how to use this." He says with I eye roll and taps the screen of the phone, immidietly my phone buzzes, I look down at it and see Aidens name in bold letters. "I thought I already told you that my people are very resourceful."

Matt chuckles. "Yeah, he's very forgetful. One time he was ten, he forgot where he put his clean underwear and he couldn't tell papa because he had just washed them and he couldn't borrow mine cuz they were small, thankfully out cousin Martha was staying at our house so he borrowed hers and on top of that he also forgot where he put his belt and again he couldn't tell papa cuz he just bought it, so he just went to school like that. Turns out he also forgot that his class was doing some presentation at the school assembly, so he had to go on stage and when there, they had to do this dance, which, by the way ended badly for Skylar cause by the end of the first chorus his pants fell down and he couldn't even be relieved he wore underwear cause he had on the girl ones. Long story short, that was the last time Skylar ever showed his face in that auditorium and it was also the last time he showed his face in the school period, he begged dad and papa to change schools." By the end of his story Casey was doubled over laughing and Aiden was trying to hide his laughter with his hand while I just stood there with a scowl, trying to fight off the blush that threatened to crawl up to my cheeks.

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