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Warning: there are a few homosexual slurs in this chapter.


We pull up to the gate of the large house we call home. I press the button that automatically opens the gate, letting us enter the front yard.

As I drive around the fountain that's in the middle of the drive way of the mansion, I notice another car that doesn't belong to our parents, but looks oddly familiar. The rusty paint job and dirty bumber stickers, looked very similar to something I'd seen before.

Then again, my parents do have plenty of cars so I wouldn't be surprised if they bought a new one, but a car of its....asthetic, is not entirely what my parents would go for.

I try to rack up any places I'd seen the car before, but come back dry, so I just brush it off and put my car in park.

"Oh no." Matt mutters from beside me.

I frown and I turn to face him. "What?" I ask.

He points out a finger at the very same car I was looking at a second earlier. "Look."

I furrow my brows at him. "What? There's nothing there. all I see is that rusty old car."

He nods his head."Yes, I mean, it's not the car-it is, but it's more of who that car belongs to."

I nod at him. "Yeah and?" I ask, still not getting whatever it is that he's getting at.

"You don't remember?"

I sigh. "Remember what? I'll admit, the car seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on where I've seen it before."

He sighs as if talking to me was the most exhausting thing in the world. "You're a complete tool" He mutters. I roll my eyes at him and brush off his comment. "Grandma Tuttee and grandpa George." He finally says, after a minute.

My frown deepens at the mention of those two.

Grandma Tuttee and grandpa George, two of the world's biggest con artists, who unfortunately also happen to be our grandparents. "What?....What do they have to do with ohh..." Now I get it.

Oh no.

"Yeah oh...what do you think their doing here?" He asks, his eyes focused on the busted up mini van.

"Beats me." I say with a shrug. "It's not Christmas yet, so they don't need money."

Matt nods. "Nor is it the forth of July or thanks giving, so whatever they want must be urgent." He suggests.

"Mmhm." I hum, nodding my head and turning to get my bag out of the back before opening my door and getting out of the car, Matt doing the same.

We walk to the front door and the distant sound of can drunk laughter already sending chills of reluctance down my back. "well, whatever it is...."  I mutter, opening the doors and stepping in to the foyer. "...were going to find out."

If whatever they want is urgent, then we must prepare for a whole night of yells, slurs and fake laughter.

I remember the year they resurfaced from the dead, before that, they never even contacted my dad (their son) to find out how we were doing, not even a Christmas card or anything. They wanted nothing to do with my dad, his husband and his kids.

I think I may have forgotten to mention that my dad (Myles Jackson ) is married to my papa ( Will Jackson). When my dad's parents found out he was gay, they kicked him out of the house, until he met my papa and they became best friends and fell in love, got married and the rest is history.

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