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Skylar's POV

Taking care of a pregnant boyfriend is a lot harder than previously thought.

It's been about three weeks, since Aiden came back to me. Three weeks since our family became complete and three weeks since we found out he was pregnant and let me tell you, it has not been easy taking care of him.

You never know what mood he's gonna be in when he wakes up, or just in general. One moment he's laughing, the next he's crying and the other, he's cussing you out, for not bringing him his soup fast enough. It's been a terrifying rollar coaster of emotions that at this point, I've given up trying to predict.

Today, he's now officially four months pregnant and he looks like about to pop. I don't know why he's that big, he's not supposed to be as big as he is now, but apart from him being bigger than usual, he's okey, he eats a lot, but I know that's normal and Matt said it's probably nothing to worry about, mabey he's just this big, because he's a male and all, but I'm just waiting for the doctors conformation.

We're going for an appointment to the doctor that Liam brought to earth, especially for aiden. I'm exited for this one, because today we get to find out the gender of my little munchkin.

I don't care if it's a boy or girl, what's for sure is, I'm going to spoil my baby to the bone and that's a promise. My child deserves the best and that's all they're gonna get.

I sigh as I try to find a document in my drawer, that I swear was there when I put it in this morning. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find it and I'm starting to think that Aiden must have moved it when he was cleaning my office.

Yeah, you heard it right.

My Office.

I have an office now, in my own house, we'll me and Aidens house.

I started work as the new CEO of Jackson Inc two weeks ago and the first thing I did when I got my big fat check, was to buy a house and cars for me and my new family.

We found the perfect home and Aiden, with the help of papa, furnished and designed the entire house to look stunningly beautiful, sometimes it baffles me how much papa and Aiden have in common, it's like they're twins. They both like fashion and cooking and me, I'm just glad paps found the ideal son-in-law that he's been wanting.

But anyway, with getting a new house and being pregnant and moody, Aiden has taken a liking to cleaning and with said cleaning,0 comes the moving around of things in my office.

I walk out of my office and make my way to my open plan kitchen, where I find Aiden cooking what I presume to be tonight's dinner.

"Hey babe?" He looks up at me, as walk over to stand beside him. "I had a few documents in my office, do you know where they are?"

"Where were they?" He asks, as he stirs inside the pot.

"In the drawer in the side if my desk."

"Umm yeah, I put them in the folders that I hung up on the wall." I nod, give him a kiss on the cheek and walk back to my office.

I immidietly spot the documents and sigh as i see they're still intact and nothing has been touched or messed with, I love Aiden more than anything in the world, but he really need to stop all this excessive cleaning.

These documents state that half my property all belong to Aiden. I decided to put it in his name and then I will transfer the rest of my property into my kids names, when I finally have a fixed number of kids, but for now only half has been transfered into Aidens name.

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