🎁Chapter 5: Surprise, surprise🎁

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Damian pov

So it's 10:00 in the morning and I guess I overslept. So when I wake up I take a shower and get dressed.

I go downstairs and make my breakfast. When I'm done eating I decide to stay home and watch
some tv since I'm not going to be on nxt this week. When I switch on the tv I scroll through all the different channels until I put on food network and I see Joyce on the tv screen. So I watch food network.

Damian: Never knew food could be interesting.

Then I get a phone call just when I was enjoying the show.


HHH: Damian how you doin'?

Damian: What's up boss I'm doing great and you?

HHH: I'm good so I need you to be in a story line with killer kross.

Damian: Yeah sure no problem.

HHH:Cool I'll see you next week.

Damian:See ya.

End of call

Damian: Just great a story line with Killer Kross. I've never been one to turn down a challenge.

I pick up my car keys and decide to go to a sneaker store.

No one's POV
(Damian and Stewart are friends and Stewart owns a sneaker store. He lives alone with his dogs.)

Damian: What's up Stewart?

Stewart: Luis my favorite customer how are you and your parents doing?

Damian: We're good how are you and thee uh dogs?

Stewart: Oh we're all great.

Damian: Good to hear. So in which section will I find the Vans sneakers.

Stewart: Right around the corner. There.

Damian: Thanks.

Guess who Damian found in the Vans section?

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