🍻Chapter 16: "We're just friends"🍻

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Damian's POV

My alarm for 07:30 comes on so I lazily get out on bed, brush my teeth and wash my hair while taking a shower. I dress up in a black t-shirt, black jeans and black combat boots. All black everything. Then I put my wet hair in a messy bun. No point in drying it since I wrestle with it wet anyways.

So today I'll be featured in an interview.

It's a casual interview so that's why I'm wearing what I'm wearing. I lock the door of my house and get to my car. I stop by a nearby cafe.

Before you judge me and say "if it's nearby why couldn't you walk." I couldn't walk because 1. my body is killing me after my match and 2. is because I've got an interview to go to.

I park my car and enter the cafe. It's called Callie's Cafe. It's full of bright colors like blinding colors which are lime green,hot pink,neon orange and aqua blue. There were playing Hey boy by Sia and Burna Boy.

I take a sit near the window and I receive a menu from a waiter. He was a tall, slim and dark skinned man.

"Good mornin' sir. What may I get for ya?" he spoke in a country accent.


"May I please get espresso coffee?" I asked.

He nodded then he went to go get it or wait for it to be made.

As I waited for the coffee I opened the menu and choose a bagel, 3 macarons and a large croissant.

He came back with my coffee and he was holding a pen and a small note book.

"Here ya go, anything else sir?"he asked.

"Yeah I want a bagel, 3 chocolate macarons and a large croissant." I said.

He wrote everything down.

"So ya want a bagel ,3 chocolate macarons and a large croissant?"he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

He nodded then went to the back.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I took it out. The picture of me and Josephine has over 2.4 million likes. Damn people were really waiting for me to be with a woman there are so many views,likes,reposts and comments.

Why is this just the old generation?

Can't a man and a woman be friends?

Like damn.

The waiter came back with my food. I saw a name tag on his shirt "Darrell" that's his name. How did I not notice before?

"Thanks Darrell." I said.

"Pleasure sir." Darrell replied.

He then went to attend to new guests.

Before I even put the macaron in my mouth a group of waitresses came up to me. A day in life.

"So sorry to disturb you but may we please take a picture with you Damian Priest?" a redhead woman asked.

"Um sure." I said.

I stood up and guess what?

They made me take 3, three, tres pictures with each of them so that meant nine in total. NINE!!!

The first one was the redhead I found out her name is Altagracia. She's from Mexico. For all three of her pictures she was so touchy.

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