👫Chapter 6: We meet again👫

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Guess who Damian found in the Vans section?

Damian went to the Vans section and found Joyce.
Joyce turned around and saw Damian.

Joyce:Hey Luis.

Damian: What's up?

Joyce: Nothing much.

Damian:I never thought you were into sneakers.

Joyce: Haha.

Damian smiles and finds a pair of blue Vans.

Joyce: I never thought you were into blue.

Damian: It's nice to try new things every once in awhile.

Joyce: Yea, it's just that I'm so use to seeing you wear black.

Damian: Yeah black looks good on everyone.


They both go to the cashier and pay for their sneakers.

Damian:So I guess I'll see you next week on NXT?

Joyce: Yes but I want you to join me for a walk.

Damian: You scared of going alone?

Joyce: Yes and no.

Damian: I'm confused.

Joyce:Yes as in I don't like walking alone because I could get robbed.

Damian:So you're using me so that no one will rob you?

Joyce: Exactly you're tall and muscular so the thieves will be scared.


Joyce: And no because I need company and I didn't bring a car.

Damian:Why didn't you bring your car?

Joyce:Because I thought I would be home sooner.

Damian: That's a bummer.

Joyce: Yeah it is. So are you coming or am I taking a cab?

Damian:I usually don't play taxi driver but sure why not.

Joyce:Uh thanks.

Damian opens the trunk of his car and puts both of his and Joyce's sneakers in the back of the car

Damian: Let's go for that walk.

Joyce: Let's go.

They both walk through the streets of Florida.

Damian:Do you always go for walks?

Joyce:Yeah I find it relaxing.

Damian: Awesome.

Joyce: ...

Damian:Ok, you just went silent mode on me is this normal?

Joyce: Sorry I'm like that.

Damian: Yeah you told me you were a quiet person the first time we met.

Joyce:Wow you remembered?

Damian:Yea. It's already 16:00 do you wanna go home or keep walking?

Joyce: Let's go my pets might be missing me.

Damian is laughing so hard.

Joyce: It's not funny.

Damian:It kinda is but I get it pets can be quite attached to their owners.

Joyce: Glad you didn't call them animals.

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