🤼Chapter 9:New Years Evil🤼‍♂️

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Damian's POV

It's New Years Evil and I'm super happy about it. I'm also nervous because he has never been beaten before but it never hurts to try right. It'll be my first time facing him. So I get out of bed take a shower and wear my black jeans and navy blue t-shirt. I go and make my breakfast, then I watch some TV.

I close my eyes and try to imagine myself in the News Years Evil but, I end up thinking about the first time I met Josephine. I don't know why. It's crazy I mean, what's wrong with me. Maybe I like her.
No no no Luis snap out of it you haven't known her for too long. I'm also kinda disappointed she didn't show up for NXT. Maybe if I see her again I'll know what I feel for her, wheather it's friendship or, something else.

My thoughts were disturbed by a text message from my buddy Keith.


Greetings Luis. May you please meet me in the WWE Performance Centre?

What's up Keith? Yeah I'll be there in 10 minutes.



End of chat

I get outta my house and drive my car to the WWE Performance Centre.

Keith: You're here.

Me: Yeah.

Keith:Shawn says that me and Riddle are getting moved to the main roster.

Me: Congrats, man.

Keith: That's it?

Me: You know I'll miss you so stop making this situation harder than it already is.

Matt:Sup bros.



Matt:Bros, I'm super stoked about Keith joining the main roster. Luis, bro you are also gonna join us very soon Kross is basically a launching magnet for superstars to go to the main roster.

Keith: He's not wrong.

Matt: Thanks bro.

Me: I'm not really in a rush to join the main roster.

Matt: That's the spirit bro.

Josephine's POV

So today I'm going to work. I get up and take a shower. I wear my yellow pants, brazilian t-shirt and my orange vans high tops. Then I get a text message from Amanda.


Heeyy JoJo. How u doin'?

Hi Amanda. I'm good and you?

Awesome. So I want you to meet me at my house.


Because since it's going to be Dawali in a few weeks I have to go to India and I asked my mom to pick us up so we could go to work and watch New Years Evil live.

Okay cool. What time are you coming?

In 20 minutes.

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