👯Chapter 14:Bad girl👯

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This is Lila Smithfield

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This is Lila Smithfield. Her, Josephine and Amanda were best friends until she strayed away with the wrong crowd. Lila started becoming a liar and now she's a professional photographer.

She also has a crush on Damian Priest.

Damian's POV

The week has been pretty intense. My chronicle is out, I've been training and I was on freaking Wrestlemania. This gets better and better.

I went to the bathroom to take a  shower. After my shower I got dressed and ate breakfast. I'm on my phone listening to music. After about an hour or so I receive a receive a message.

📱Matt Riddle📱

What's up bro?

Just chilling how's it going?

Pretty cool bro. Anyway why didn't you tell me that you had a girlfriend?

Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend.

Check your instagram bro.


I went on my Instagram and saw that this chick named Lila posted a photo of me and Josephine with the caption: she finally has a boyfriend.


Matt she's not my girlfriend she's just a friend of mine.

Not what the internet says bro.

Yeah 🤦🏾‍♂️ I'll talk to you later.

Bye bro


This is so bad. I'm sure it'll blow over soon enough. Really soon I hope.

I can't have the whole world thinking that I have a girlfriend. Don't get me wrong Josephine is a very beautiful woman but we're just friends. I hope she's okay with this. She'll just have to forgive me for all this drama.

I'll try and talk to her so that we can get this figured out. I'm at home today so I could go see her. Then again if I'm caught at at her house it'll get worse. Ahhh! What should I do?

Josephine's POV

Amanda came to my house pretty early because I'm still stressed.

I get out of bed and do my daily routine. Then I wear my Nike tracksuit and nike sneakers. I go downstairs and eat breakfast.

Me: Hi Amanda.

Amanda: Hello JoJo. How are you?

Me: Not so good.

Amanda: JoJo it's gonna be okay.

Me:No it won't what if he doesn't like me like that. Ugh! This is so embarrassing.

Amanda: Girl chill. Let's go to the spa so you can relax.

What's the spa gonna do?

Me: Why?

Amanda:To make you feel better.

Me: Fine.


We go to the spa. Once we get there we both get a mani-pedi. It's was pretty cool.

We go to Starbucks and get some coffee. Then we went to McDonald's to get food and we came home.

We both go to Amanda's house and watch tv till we fall asleep.


Sorry if it sucks I wrote it at 22:23.




Xoxo love joycelambogini


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