😊Chapter 20: Confessions😊

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Damian's POV

These past few months have been pretty insane. Being in a stable with my friends. I had the pleasure of wrestling Bad Bunny and I unfortunately lost 😑 but it's cool. So today it's Tuesday so me,Rhea,Finn and Dominic have decided to hang out with each other. So I get out of bed and go to the gym to work out.

After an hour I go and take a shower,get dressed and eat breakfast. I sit in the lounge and listen to music. It's now 12:35 so I get up from my couch,grab my car keys and head out to meet my friends. I drive to a restaurant, diner or cafe I don't know but it's called 'He Table'.I see Rhea, Finn and Dominic.

"Wassup guys," I greeted them.

"Hey," they replied in unison.

We all got in and took our seats. I sat next to Rhea whilst Finn and Dominic sat next to each other. We placed our orders and within a few moments we got our food. Or should I say they ordered and they got their food. I was really hungry considering the fact that I had already had breakfast.

So I just ordered lemonade. We were having small conversations then my mind drifted. I was thinking about Josephine. I don't know how she always introduces herself in my thoughts. It's almost like a constant thing.

I find myself thinking of her a lot of the time I talked to my dad about it actually and he said that I might have feelings for her. It might be true 😅 but it's too soon and I've actually never felt this way about anyone. I was distracted from my thoughts after I felt Rhea tapping me on my head.

"You here buddy earth to Luis," Rhea said.

"Huh," I responded.

"Dang you must really be deep in your thoughts," Dominic said laughing.

"He's right Luis what's got you so you know?" Rhea asked.

"Yeah what you thinking about?" Finn asked.

"It's nothing serious," I said in a monotone.

"Then why'd you say it like that?" Dominic asked.

"You can trust us," Finn said.

I bit the inside of my mouth.

"Well..." I started nervously.

"Well what?" Rhea asked.

"Remember the girl I was talking to about the other day?" I asked.

"Who Josephine?" Dominic asked.

"Yeah her," I answered.

"What about her?" Finn asked.

"Um well I think I like her," I said.

"You think?" Dominic asked.

I sighed,"I really like her."

The table was quiet for a moment as they all looked at me. I felt like a kid who's parents caught him making out with a girl.

"When will you tell her?" Dominic asked whilst smiling.

"I'm scared to tell her," I stated truthfully.

"Are you scared of telling her or scared of her rejecting you?" Rhea asked.

Dang what's with all the questions.

"I'm scared of both," I said while looking at her.

"I think you should tell her so you'll get it off your chest," Finn suggested.

"What if she doesn't feel the same way?" I asked.

"What if she does feel the same way?" Rhea answered.

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