😐Chapter 19:Bad guests 😐

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Josephine's POV

New day, more work. So today I won't be in the kitchen I'll be working as a hostess because our current hostess,Sena, is sick. As you may know I'm very much a workaholic and I enjoy it. I love being such a low-key person. My alarm for 06:00 a.m. rings and I get up right after dismissing it.

I do my daily routine (outfit above) and I drive to Amanda's house. Me and Amanda or should I say Amanda worked out a plan. I'll drive her to and from work until she gets her lisense. She's been learning to drive for a couple days now so it'll be soon. I arrive at her house and park outside.

I climb up the little stairs and knock on her door.

"COMING!",I heard her yell from inside.

So I say on the rocking chair outside and waited. Amanda came out of the house shortly after. For once in her life she wore work attire to work 😅😂🤣.

"Hey JoJo," Amanda greeted happily.

"Hi Mandy," I greeted back.

(Authoress: Is greeted a word?😐)

We got in the car and drove to the restaurant. Once we arrived ,07:35,we sat up everything and all the other workers came in a bit later. We all took our places. I welcomed all the guests that arrived and showed them their seat. I'm pretty good at this for my first time.

Sena's job is cool all she has to do is smile,greet and show our guests their seats. It was a full house or should I say restaurant as always. I felt something creep up my spine then I looked towards the entrance. I never ever in a million years saw this coming. Lila Smithfield was her in my restaurant with her little minions. 😮

"Red alert Lila's here," my supervisor Max said dramatically before walking off

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"Red alert Lila's here," my supervisor Max said dramatically before walking off.

"Morning Josie," Lila said with her usual high pitched voice.

"Hello Ms Smithfield may I offer you a table, " I asked.

"No I want the floor,"she said rolling her eyes.

Okay sure she can sit outside near the trashcans.

"Of course I want a table Josie," she said sassily.

"Please don't call me Josie," I said seriously.

She just giggled.

For once her minions said nothing.

I lead her to a table and she got settled. Amanda then stood next to me and we both watched her from a distance.

"No way am I serving her I'll just end up burning her with coffee," Amanda said annoyed.

I just laughed. Wow knowing Amanda she's probably very capable of doing it. Lila Smithfield then did something I absolutely loathed so much.

SHE SNAPPED HER FINGERS TO CALL A WAITER. So disrespectful. Then Ceron came over and she and her minions placed their orders.

"Good morning ladies welcome to picture perfect eats may I take your order," Ceron asked.

"What took you so long,"Marcella asked.

"I'll have red wine," Yvonne said.

"Get me a glass of cranberry juice," Marcella demanded.

"I'll have an expresso," Lila said.

Ceron nodded his head and went to the back. He came back with an expresso, red wine and cranberry juice. Who drinks wine in the morning?

"Here you go, one glass of cranberry juice, red white and an expresso enjoy," Ceron said.

Not even a thank you.

"I asked for green tea not expresso jeez are your ears so far up your hole that you can't hear me Yeezus," Lila complained.

"You said you wanted ex- ," Ceron tried to explain.

"I said nothing you're a damn liar go back and get me my green tea," she demanded.

The other two girls took their drinks and Ceron went to get her green tea. Me and Amanda stared in sadness. Amanda then went back to serving the other guests. Ceron then arrived with the green tea a menu.

"Was that so hard," she asked.

They each grabbed a menu and ordered what they wanted to order. They paid the bill and get this Ceron got a tip of...

$4.50 dang. That's cheap. Then they got up and made they're way to the entrance.

"What a lovely restaurant Josie the customer service could use some help though," she said smugly.

I just side eyed her and she left. What a witch. Ceron got a couple of good tips so it's not that bad. But people don't be greedy 🙄. The rest of the day turned out great despite our bad guests 😐. Soon after everyone else had left the cleaning crew cleaned up everything.

"Ceron I apologize for what happened today," I said sincerely.

"It's not your fault you don't have to be sorry," he smiled.

Then I smiled back Ceron was always such a sweetheart. Everyone had left then me and Amanda entered the car and we left. I drove her to her house then I went to my house. I'm so pissed I hate it when people treat other people badly especially PEOPLE WHO ARE SERVING THEM it's cruel. I went to my room changed into pajamas and I slept.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.

Dear Fans

I hope you're having a good day. I would like to apologize for keeping you waiting. View,vote and comment on the story.

Yours faithfully



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