😱Chapter 7: Doomsday is back😱

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Sorry for the late update I had to watch NXT New Years Evil and my phone had a problem with it's network connection.

Damian's POV

So tonight I'm gonna be on NXT. I've been given a story line with Killer Kross. So I take a shower and get dressed, I wear my black leather pants and my black vest with my army boots. I get in my car and drive off. Me, Matt and Keith agreed to go to this restaurant called Picture Perfect Eats.

Joyce's POV

It's 08:00 in the morning.
I take a bath and get dressed. I wear my outfit and  at 14:00 I drive off to work. The name of my restaurant is Picture Perfect Eats.

 The name of my restaurant is Picture Perfect Eats

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Then Amanda calls.

Amanda:Hey sweetie you don't have to pick me up today because I'll use the subway.


Amanda: Because I don't want to be a bother and I'm already in the train.

Me:Ok be safe.

Amanda:You too.

Amanda:You too

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(The subway)

I hope she can handle it.

No one's POV

Damian parks his car in the parking lot.

Damian: What's up, Keith. Where's Matt.?

Keith:Hey. Around, somewhere I'm not sure.

Damian:Oh, I see him.

Matt: What's up bros?


Keith:Hey. Shall we go in?

Matt:Uh yea, dudes.

All three of them enter the restaurant.

Then shortly after, Joyce parks her car.

Joyce:Oh no!

Amanda: Told you it was fate.

Joyce:Aahh! Where did you come from?

Amanda:I was born in Las Vegas but my parents are from New Delhi.

Joyce: You know what I mean.

Amanda:'sighs' I was behind you the train arrived the same time you did.


Amanda: You and Damian are gonna be together.

Joyce:Ugh just get in.

Amanda:Ooh you blushing.

Joyce:Ugh no I'm not.

Amanda:Yes you are. Blushy blushy blush.

Joyce:Go in!

Amanda:Yes boss.

When they enter Damian looks at Joyce from across the table. Then Amanda and Joyce go and wear their work outfits and do their job.

At the back of the restaurant the chefs are cooking. The baker's are baking. The waiters and waitresses are taking the guests orders. Then the clock strikes to 21:30 and everyone goes home. The cleaners clean then they go home.

Joyce's POV

Amanda:I knew it he totally likes you.

Joyce:No he doesn't he just came to eat in the restaurant like everyone else.

Amanda: There are so many restaurants here in Florida, why would he come here?

Joyce:Uh gee, I don't know, maybe because it's popular.

Amanda:Or, he likes you.

Joyce: You're ridiculous.


Joyce: Yeah.

Amanda: You'll see.

Joyce: Whatever, I'll drive you home.


I drive Amanda home and wait for her to enter then I drive home.

Joyce:Oh no, I totally forgot about going to NXT I was so busy.

Damian POV

When Joyce entered the restaurant I looked up from my table. I think she works here. Then a waitress came over to our table and asked for our drink orders.

Waitress: What can I get you?

Keith: I'll take tea please.

Matt: I'll take a glass a of orange juice with ice please.

Damian: Just a creme soda for me, please.

She comes with our drinks then she asks for our food orders.

Damian: I'll have the veggie burger.

Matt: I'll have the chocolate mousse.

Keith: And I'll have the salad.

Waitress:Comin' right up.

The waitress brings our orders and we eat. When we're done eating I ask for the check and we  split the check.

A waiter takes our plates then we leave.

We each take our cars and drive home.

At 20:00 NXT begins. I get attacked by Killer Kross. Keith Lee faces Dominic Dijakovic and wins. Riddle and Pete Dunne defend their titles successfully. At 21:30 NXT is over.

Damian: I'm kinda disappointed that Joyce didn't come.

Keith: Don't be, she was probably busy.

Matt: Yeah bro she can come another day.


We all enter our cars and go home.


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